[video] EZSequencer for EZDrummer

Loren Lepton's icon

Loren Lepton

1月 31 2021 | 2:39 午後


first time posting & sharing what im up to - so I built this about 2 days for my own music & have plenty more I am going to put in

Max 8 > MIDI > Logic Pro > EZDrummer. Simple πŸ‘
no plans for ableton, since im not using it

built for 2 reasons:

  • I would LOVE to have an electronic kit again. been playing since aged 5/6. I prefer playing & would fit the music im doing now even further. but since I cant, I needed to think of something that can help

  • I was searching for alternatives in MIDI iPad apps to help in creating drum parts [if I cant get a kit, yet], to take away clicking the mouse & would prefer to use my iPad to touch in steps

whilst there are MANY out & about & ones I would LOVE to try. but the iOS version for them are higher than my iPad [gen 4 iOS 10] & cant get the onces I have been interested & many older apps are either too glitchy or troublesome hooking up

so I made this 😘
im working on Mira support & working around what Mira can & cant do

the video shows what EZSequencer can currently do & the description goes much further to what I would like


Da Xu's icon

Da Xu

1月 31 2021 | 6:29 午後

If you use rewire, you might be able to get some synchronization with Logic. You can send midi directly via rewire.

Just a thought :D

broc's icon


1月 31 2021 | 11:14 午後

You can use EZDrummer as [vst~] in Max without Logic.

Loren Lepton's icon

Loren Lepton

2月 01 2021 | 11:16 εˆε‰

thank for the advice. the plan is to be able to access all the drums, without a keyboard & using the spteps is better than keyboard, in my view.
i did think of vst~ but decided against, same with rewire, but rewire is much more useful for this right now

only thing to do is clock sync & access the remaining percussion, but other that , its done

Loren Lepton's icon

Loren Lepton

2月 01 2021 | 2:57 午後

whats really weird though, when working with Logic & rewire, is that it doesnt pop up with the list of rewire apps

it finds Ableton fine. but as soon as I make Logic do rewire, nope. nothing

I was sure I built, nay I did build, something that links DAWs up perfectly. but then again, its been a while since I properly bashed Max, but it will all come back

but just working this out, then that would be it finished, for the most part

im looking at hostsync~ as well as other places, but rewire~ itself is being a bit 'hmmmm?'

Loren Lepton's icon

Loren Lepton

2月 01 2021 | 3:01 午後

I do also have ad_rewire on as well & am trying other options. but I really dont remember it being this hard to do

I have a feeling its an 'inner apple' thing. since they are on the war path of killing people doing anything creative now πŸ‘
Catalina or Big Sur anyone?, nah im alright πŸ˜‰

Loren Lepton's icon

Loren Lepton

2月 01 2021 | 3:04 午後

also using `ad_rewire` is weird as well. but more so because when you power it on to use it with `hostcontrol~` it just switches off the audio off. even with nothing in the patch, but just an `ezdac~`proves to be glitchy in that it doesnt stay on

is that a logic thing then?
its just all a bit odd, to say the least, hahaha

Loren Lepton's icon

Loren Lepton

2月 01 2021 | 3:14 午後

got it now. dont know what happened, but I got it working

people say about machines killing us in the future. but I still believe that it will be from being annoyed & going round in circles to fix things with the computers, that will kill us, hahaha

anyhow, thanks for the help

Loren Lepton's icon

Loren Lepton

2月 05 2021 | 1:39 午後

updated further

its now finished & has full iPad support using Max 8 with Mira. the description has everything else done for it

but there we go, done. can now move on & get things made again now I have my new guitar bridge to fit in πŸ‘

no plans to release this yet, since it doesnt have MIDI &/or OSC. I dont plan to put those in either. its not my aim to use those, since Mira has better support for the objects, I dont need to do MIDI routing or patching, its just simple, even if it doesnt support all the UI elements. but hopefully there is better support for more UI objects coming to Mira in the future. with just bpatcher support for Mira, this would be better in every way

but its lovely to play. really lovely & looking forward to creating music with this

about 5/7 days to complete, give or take if I even done anything that day for it
