Ben Bracken - 3日前
Max 8.6.5 Released
Iain Duncan - 7時間前
Hi Shakeeb, have you thought of trying with this Roger Dannenberg's Serpent? It's a Python derivative that he built specifically for real...
cybermowgli - 1日前
Would you mind sharing your mxj udp sender, Floating point ? Does it work with byte arrays ? (I need it to work with an ESP32, but the...
Jerome Lesueur - 1日前
Hi, It is regrettable that the standalone version is no longer operational on MacOS Sonoma due to the restrictions imposed by Apple....
Guillaume SENE - 2日前
Hello, It looks like I've got the same issue. - I uploaded Datastream mp121 example sketch on touchboard - I can see DataStream output in...
stefano - 2日前
i see it is also related with I/O buffersize, the lower i go with that the better it gets, so i guess its the relation between the world...
Sukandar Kartadinata - 4日前
thanks Klaus :)
stefano - 4日前
Got it! for who's interested, attached a modified version of the js file (plus html) that streams also the data of the 2nd person. To get...
👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽 - 6日前
(@Roman - ya, i left Lines because it was getting too cloistered and cliquish, all the mods there are getting strict to the point of...
Source Audio - 8日前
when you are at it, I asked someone who uses MK2 about XY pad. same as MK1 it has Multy-XY pad object. There is an example in factory...