15 STEP patch

Stutter Angel's icon

hi, anyone knows about some patch simulate the patch of the song "15 step" of Radiohead "In Rainbows" ?
i will aprecciate if you can shared it with me.
Thank for all

Stutter Angel's icon

i want to say too that i have this screenshot of jonny greenwood laptop with the patch on it, but i dont know have to do it.
maybe some of your great minds can help me to do it.
thanks again for all

Stutter Angel's icon


Wetterberg's icon

ruben, exactly which parts of the song are you looking to simulate? I
guess the drums? It's a mixture of a clap pattern, one or more
breakbeats, a drum sequence and some quite decent real drumming...


Ruben skrev:
> hi, anyone knows about some patch simulate the patch of the song "15 step" of Radiohead "In Rainbows" ?
> i will aprecciate if you can shared it with me.
> Thank for all
> .

DonK's icon

You could probably make the same exact interface after a couple tutorials. The interface looks pretty simple, and the matrix looks more like 18 steps not 15 (but that doesn't mean anything).

It's what's hidden that you really want. The interface doesn't seem very special and doesn't give away what it does really.

Kind of like asking to make a house with no blueprints of the inside or structure, just a picture of the outside of the house.

Stutter Angel's icon

Exactly Donk! you

..::RFC::..'s icon

Come on Jonny, I know that you are reading this!... just kiding!

Jonny uses Max on others musics and I'm here only to say: good patching job, Jonny!

Peter Castine's icon
stringtapper's icon

Quote: Stutter Angel wrote on Mon, 16 June 2008 20:42
> Exactly Donk! you

Stutter Angel's icon

The patch of 15 steps acts like the "Mod Squad Redux" and can be found in the "examples folder" of max, but its different that the 15 steps patch jonny uses, just act different and that its what i want.
I want the patch because i want to apply to my music and work whit that. Just that.
thanks for the help.

QUOTE: stringtapper wrote on Tue, 17 June 2008 08:06

> ًWhat is it from the song that you are trying to reproduce? What does this patch do? Do you even know? And if you don't, why do you want it?

Stutter Angel's icon
Chrisedmo's icon

I just got back form seeing Radiohead @ Nimes in France - amazing. What was really cool, is when they play 1 step - Jonny just chucked a roland foot pedal on the floor and starts tapping away on it, and this combination of snare and kick begin, then he presses some more of the foot pedals and the songs pattern begins.. great. so its like he programs the beat with a combination of foot pedals rather than hitting play on a preset loop, which is cool.