4 or 6 channel ambisonic budget speakers and amplifiers

Spa's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 1:19 PM

I’m planning to enhanced my audiovisual environnment with spatialiazed sound.
I’ve been using the ambisonics objects.
I’m not looking for perfect audio spatialisation but mainly to rapidly set up a system to position sounds in a room related to projected images.

I’ve got 2 scenario:
my office: 4 x 3 m room
i’m planning 4 speakers in each corner at height 1,5 to 2m

exhibition: 6 x 6 m or plus
4 or 6 speakers at height 2 to 2,5 m

After reading many docs about spatialization, and not finding ‘cheap’ solution,
I’m planning speakers of 4 ohm 75 w with 90x90° difusion.
I understood that spatialisation works over 100 Hz, correct?

Do you think that:
3 sets of : JBL Control 1Pro Pair with amplifier will be ok
with 1 or 2 subwoofer
or fanless amplifiers 2x 100w

Or : 3 sets of 2 speakers with amplifiers and sub

Or do i need bigger speakers?
Is it necessary to have a multichannel amplifier?
Do i need an equaliser or can i do it in max or on the sound card.


dtr's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 1:33 PM

Those JBL's are horrible, imho. Don't know about The Box speakers. They're Thomann's own budget brand.

I'd go with small/cheap active studio monitors and a sub. Would be fine for the room sizes you mention.

dtr's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 1:36 PM

> Or do i need bigger speakers?

Depends how loud you want it. Is it for ambient sounds or full on kick in the butt?

> Is it necessary to have a multichannel amplifier?

If using passive speakers you need one amplifier channel for each speaker. Can be spread over multiple stereo amps.

> Do i need an equaliser or can i do it in max or on the sound card.

You can do it in Max or on your sound card if it supports it.

Spa's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 1:53 PM

Thanks DTR,
Ive been using the auto amplified version of the jbl control 1pro. The sound seemed to me ok but not enough volume (35W ?) for a big room.

i try to set up a system scalable and transportable. Some studio monitors are much bigger...
I want to be able to use 2.1 , 4.1 and 6.1 depends on the situation.
the thomann system has the amplifier in the sub, so you have to transport the whole big pack..
Do you have an advice on 'better' similar monitor studio?
Do you recommend an independent amplified sub?


dtr's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 2:05 PM

I don't have much recommendations in that range. Some of my colleagues use the small Genelecs + sub for this type of thing. I've often used Mackie SRM450's + sub. Loud, not very hifi. Not suitable for small rooms. You'd be better of with better sound and less power.

I have the first version of the Behringer Truth monitors in my studio. They pack a good punch and are very decent for the price. Not sold anymore so I wasn't able to get me a quad set of 'm, though I would have liked to.

I'm looking at a surround set for small to medium sized installations myself but in a slightly different price/power bracket: Genelec 8050.

dtr's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 2:08 PM

> Do you recommend an independent amplified sub?

My personal preference is for active speakers and subs, so all with their own built in amp. Easier to transport and set up.

> What do you think for a 4 channel balanced sound card:

They're probably fine. I use MOTU myself. Keep in mind that you might need a separate output for your sub, depending on the speaker configuration you choose. You can do the cross-over filtering in Max.

dtr's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 2:13 PM

Btw, if the JBLs sound good to you, then go for it. They're small and practical.

Jan M's icon

Jan M

Oct 12, 2014, 4:09 PM

The Rokit series by KRK is quite good and they are not expensive I.e. KRK RP5 RoKit G3. Also keep in mind that 4-channels with ambisonics does not yield good results. In theory 4 speakers are the minimum for ambisonics but to my experience it starts to sound good with 6 and more.

Spa's icon


Oct 12, 2014, 4:44 PM

hi Jan,
The fact that the roKit does not have a grid in front to protect the cone is a problem for installation in public space.
They've got no support screw neither.
I'm aware of the 4 speaker limitations but i'm not looking for a precise spatialization.

Wetterberg's icon


Oct 26, 2014, 2:19 PM

@DTR, are those Behringers the B2030A, or are they just B2030? I've got a line on some cheap "A"s for myself, and I was wondering...

dtr's icon


Oct 30, 2014, 9:36 AM

I have the B2031. I don't know if this is true but I once read that those shamelessly copied Mackie designs (not implausible for Behringer). It came out and Behringer was forced to put 'm out of production. They then produced the new A version which is rumored to be less good than the original. I haven't compared 'm myself.

Spa's icon


Oct 30, 2014, 9:59 AM

For my part, still looking for a small and cheap solution
i want to make them 'disappear' in the visual environment as much as possible.
or join them with each projector in my multi projection system

I've got an offer for 2 pairs of Yamaha S15 for 250 euros with 4 wall supports
I will have to buy a third pair for a 6 point system and a sub.

do you think yamaha s15 are better than the jbl control 1 pro?
Sorry to ask but i'm irrelevant in the sound world...

dtr's icon


Oct 30, 2014, 10:07 AM

Can't say, I don't know those Yamaha's. I'd advise proof listening anything before buying. Best is to compare 1-to-1 to speakers that you know so you have a reference.

Spa's icon


Oct 30, 2014, 6:21 PM

Thanks DTR,
I suppose the response from the speakers must be as flat as possible.
I thought that the ear perceive the sound position over a certain frequency (100 Hz?), so that led me to think that it's possible to use small speak heads (5" over 80 Hz) and subs.
Is it better to have a wide angle of diffusion for the speaker ex: 90° x90°
Do you use an active subwoofer for your setup?

dtr's icon


Oct 30, 2014, 6:33 PM

That s correct and a usual way to do things. I use subs whenever I can (not necessarily active). But then I usually play in larger spaces for dozens of people. That requires subs for sure.

Wider diffusion from the tops will be better in most cases. Do keep in mind that when people aren't in the center of the space they will hear the speaker they 're closest to the loudest. This might or might not give issues, depending on what you re after.

Spa's icon


Oct 30, 2014, 6:49 PM

Do you think an height of 1,5 m is ok for the speakers or 1,8m is better (avoiding crowd shadowing)

I'm looking at the MIAP system.
It could be useful in a grid array of speakers on the roof, like 3x3 or 4x4.
I think i'm gonna go by the yamaha S15, it allows me to scale the system up to S55 later (140 W RMS _ 6,5")
I will inform you about my setup.

Don't you think a wiki or an howto about spatialized soundsystem will be useful on cycling website ( maxmsp or gear section?)
So users can post or links to their setups ...