Bpatcher needed in Mira

equanimous's icon

Hello, I don't know if there is another place to ask for new features, but I cannot use the wonderful Mira technology without the support for BPatcher in my project.

Nesting the Mira.Frame inside them is not enough for me...

Is it planned in a near future ?

Thank you !

Sam Tarakajian's icon

I can tell you it's right at the top of my to-do list, if that's any comfort. Believe me, I want bpatcher as well. Nesting mira.frame inside them is not enough for me either.


joeman's icon

This is good news. Thanks Sam!

equanimous's icon

I'm glad to hear that Sam, I'll be patient!

What do you think also of the idea of a free(or cheap) runtime version of Mira for IOS for the user who would get my Standalone version of my actual patch...

Thank, and tell me, what is the banana output sound :) ?

back's icon

I love you Sam. Xxxx

Luke Woodbury's icon

Just wondering if bpatcher support will be making its way to Mira anytime soon? I could really do with it!

Sam Tarakajian's icon

Oh, you know. One of these days. iPhone support is probably next on the docket, but honestly there are so many fish frying all over the place over here that it's hard to say for sure when anything will be ready.

Hope that's not too annoying. Again, personally bpatcher would be a big win for me as well.

back's icon

To be fair your on it like a car bonnet. In your own time pal. Waveform~ would be don too but I keep reading it's not that valued as an object. Personally I don't make a single patch that doesn't use it. Your YouTube videos are massively appreciated too.

dhjdhjdhj's icon

Bump +10

Just started looking at Mira as a possible replacement for my current approach (Lemur + OSC communicating with Max). It seems absolutely wonderful based on my initial experiments. Unfortunately, most of my UI items live deep inside bpatchers (often nested) which are often then grouped inside yet more bpatchers.

Mira would have to be able to see various subsets of my top level view.

Is this something that's coming soon or do I need to stick with Lemur?

dhjdhjdhj's icon

I have to say I'm really very impressed with Mira. I did a workaround and just made send/receive connections to the underlying UI controls and just made a new collection of controls and put a mira.frame over them.
Even though Lemur is a very nice tool, if one already uses Max, then Mira is a much more convenient solution.

uebergeek's icon

Another vote for bpatcher! Mira's handy because it lets you build very custom interface components - and often you want to have those apply to multiple channels. Bpatcher would make it much easier since we could edit a component in one place, rather than for every channel.

siteswapjuggler's icon
jninek's icon

I just got Mira and bpatchers were the first thing I noticed that was missing.

naaman's icon

another BPatcher ++ please

Gary Lee Nelson's icon

I know software updating is difficult and I don't want to be unkind. I paid $50 for Mira and it is high time for an update. I would certainly pay for that too. The last promise I see was 2013. Please!!!

Gary Lee Nelson's icon

PS. I used Mira successfully on a project in 2014. Bought an iPad specifically because Mira was available. Now into another major project for summer 2016 and I really need all of the promised features and more. The ideal would be that Mira mirrors all of the features of Max.

Jeff Podolski's icon

Well it's 2017, about three years later and there's still no bpathcher support. And not even support for some *really* basic items like text buttons. I love Max and cycling74 but after dropping $10 and god knows what on an iPad, I expected a more professional product. Really disappointed here, is there any chance at all for an update or are MIRA users destined to be stuck with an unfinished product?

Ben Bracken's icon

@JEFF, take a look at Miraweb, a mostly open source project that hopefully provides the possibility for the community to make all sorts of UI elements in a browser to control Max. Read more here:


Wetterberg's icon

I'll offer another vote of confidence for miraweb. It's pretty amazing, to be honest. (and this is coming from someone who still dreams of bpatchers too!)

Jeff Podolski's icon

@Ben thanks for the tip, miraweb is pretty good in terms of platform support, but still bafflingly lacking in basic tools like textbutton and bpatcher. I guess I'll either wait for an update or fork the git project myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ben Bracken's icon

@JEFF Yeah, we all want bpatcher, including me! But, bpatcher poses some difficult issues to overcome as it involves traversing patcher hierarchy and navigating a bunch of other not-so-easy to deal with components.

YMMV, but live.text is in Miraweb.


FP's icon

+1 for bpatcher in Mira. thx.

EraserHead's icon

+1000 for bpatcher in Mira. Please!!!!

exeterdown's icon

Another vote for bpatcher support.
7 years now?

pagarreton's icon

+1 for bpatcher support!

Wil's icon

haha. 2021. No BpM.
The top of that 'to-do' list...!

Loren Lepton's icon

top of 'to-do' list, lol

it really would be beneficial for a stupid amount of reason. I appreciate the work that goes into developing anything.
but 7/8 years of waiting needs to come to an end. because people want to use Mira, not go to other sources where it is another long winded affair & may not work fully to how you want

so please, update. I've had Mira since the very beginning & cant use it, because 'top of the list', doesn't seem to be 'top of the list'

pagarreton's icon

I also bought the app around 2013 and adapted some of my patches and workflow to work with Mira on my iPad. I think that the whole point of the app is to control max right away. If you need to create special interface patches to interact with it, the whole sense of the immediacy is lost. I know that coding in max requires time and its far away from the consumer apps for IOS.

A lot of effort has been given to create nice Vizzie and Beap modules in the past years, all of them are Bparchers for a good reason right?

I would love to hear someone from Cycling74 honestly saying: well we tried but it’s not possible and it’s never going to be.

That way I could stop visiting this post every year since the last seven years :)

Loren Lepton's icon

wholeheartedly agree with you Pagarreton. we want word of what is happening

its that long in the tooth, its practically a sabre tooth tiger & feels just as extinct

Loren Lepton's icon

its been over a month. can we please get a word from the higher ups on what is happening. even if you are going to do bugger all & not do anything with MIRA anymore.
because for 4 years, there has been no cycling74 person that has answered since. this not only brings doubt to the situation, but just is not good in general

so please, gives us an answer, whether bad or good. i dont care at this point, i/we just want an answer

yes, i know COVID-19 has brought some stand still to businesses. but we have all been dealing with this for over a year now, so that doesnt really mean much, since as said, we have all been dealing with it

Wilson Ryan's icon

+1 for bpatcher support. :)

Bo's icon

Any news on the bpatcher in mira?

Matt Welch's icon

adding my +1 for bPatcher support. Any movement on this? It seems like it's been on the list for features to implement since 2013?

Goran K's icon

+1, it would be really useful!

Bo's icon

+1 for bpatcher in Mira.

pagarreton's icon

+1 for bpatcher in Mira

JoãoMenezes's icon

+1 for bpatcher in Mira.

It would be highly appreciated!

Wil's icon

+ iPad M series
+ iPad 16" coming
+ Massive Mira Update
= pleeeeze!

João Luís Ferreira's icon

+1: Bpatcher support: Mira

trainvids's icon

another +1 for bpatcher mira support from me. :)
got an ipad for other reasons but grabbed mira today. was really stunned you can't put mira frame over a collection of bpatchers. clearly i am not the first one to feel this way :)

Wil's icon

No need to add bpatcher to Mira! hehe - Here is an elegant solution for controlling a zillion bpatchers with 1 Mira patch!

Added bonus - all the controls (except very basic like "on" off") are hidden on the laptop and open in floating mode! (I really super needed that) - free's up miles of real estate.

Hint: once you manually set the receives in the bpatchers, you can just use Mira.

***Note to self -Maybe add an "open" "close" buttons to Mira for opening bpatcers using the same send/recieve logic.

application/zip 11.37 KB

Bo's icon

Really hope that Max 9 updates the mira.frame so we dont have to keep using lemur or touch osc.
Please fix Bpatcher support, and other interface elements that wont display properly in mira.frame <3

Wil's icon

every day now I'm thinking - "if I am over there with my pad (Mira) and my laptop is wayyyy over there (with all my patches sized really tiny for maximum frame rate), it would really be great to have a live.scope and jit.pwindow in Mira!

Wolfram.Static's icon

Definitely +1 for the bpatcher in mira from me as well.

Also pictctrl, but bpatcher not being supported all this time later is SEVERELY holding back the use-case scenarios for Mira.

Or as others have said, just tell us if it's not going to happen.

A Miraweb upgrade to 1.2.8 that works properly on windows, includes bpatcher and pictctrl... I'd buy another 3 max licenses to bring that about.

Diemo Schwarz's icon

Me too! Bpatcher support would make Mira much more useful.

Re. what Ben said below: for me even if we'd have to setup the bpatchers to be used for Mira in a specific way it would be better than no bpatcher support at all.

Ben Bracken

Mar 11 2017 | 5:04 am

@JEFF Yeah, we all want bpatcher, including me! But, bpatcher poses some difficult issues to overcome as it involves traversing patcher hierarchy and navigating a bunch of other not-so-easy to deal with components.

Lasse Renner's icon

Also +1 for Bpatcher in Mira!

Bob's icon

+1 for Max 9 - and a new MIRA, please. 🙏

pagarreton's icon

After more than 10 years we are still waiting for an update for MIRA and support for Bpatcher.

tyler mazaika's icon

Wouldn't a workaround to the lack of native bpatcher support be to make a specific "flattened" Mira patcher for the UI and use either [pattr] or the JS MaxobjListeners to bind values in the Mira patcher to the main patcher(s) objects?

It's probably feasible to programmatically generate that kind of patch in JS, too. I haven't personally fired up Mira in 8 years but…

tyler mazaika's icon

Well.. I took a stab at this highly theoretical workaround. It seems to work in Max so it ought to work with Mira (my iPad is toast, so I don't actually know).

You can download it as a Max Package (basically just the js file and an example file):

Or take it from GitHub:

I hope this is useful for someone here...

pagarreton's icon

Hello Tyler, this is an amazing idea! Thanks a lot.

It works perfectly with relatively simple patches.

When I add the panel to a more complex patch it crashes when running the script.

My goal was to use the kind of UI from this max package: https://cycling74.com/packages/audiomix

unfortunately I don't have experience programming JS so I can't really tell where the problem could be. I will do more experiments to see if I can use your method to create a proxy UI step by step.

tyler mazaika's icon

Thanks Pagarreton, I'm glad it is (kind of) working out for you.

Regarding the crash it might be helpful to know if the issue is a particular type of object that is causing issues (perhaps something that doesn't play nice with MaxobjListener for some reason).

Possibly also rather than sending bang in the right inlet to set things up the first time, send it three numbers (in the right inlet): 2, then 1, then 0. (See the function msg_int() in the JS file if you're curious). That will go through the initialization step-by-step and could help identify at which point of initialization the crash is happening.