Broken:: Tutorial 53: Jitter Networking (part 2) [how do I get the RTSP address

startec's icon

I am trying to finish this tutorial. It seems like there has been a mistake. In the middle of the tutorial it says

  1. "Click on the message box labeled streamname someDishes. This will customize our stream's name.

  2. Click on the message box labeled start to begin streaming. When streaming has successfully begun, the message start, followed by a 1, then the RTSP URL (e.g. start 1 rtsp:// should appear in the Max Window.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

In the accompanying patch (pasted here). There is no streamname message box but the big problem is that the RTSP doesn't in the Max window. It does say start 1, but no RTSP address. Is there anyway to find out what the RTSP address once streaming has begun?

adadu's icon

I've also noticed this - I'm assuming it's a mistake as well. I've noticed that Max is creating an IP address for me when I look at the attributes IP or VIP. This IP is different than my computer's assigned IP from my router and it's not my Wan IP. So I'm wondering where this stream is supposed to be available? What IP?

alterprojects's icon

hmmm... not so familiar with jit.qt.broadcast but when using jit.broadcast in past versions of max it would print your RTSP address to the max window when you would press [start]... you could then send that address to somebody using VLC and they could receive your stream. just tried it with max6 for the first time and for some reason it isn't printing the RTSP address, could be a problem with Max6 :/

Bill Kleinsasser's icon

Has the solution been found? I too cannot get the RTSP URL when using jit.broadcast.

drewmcm's icon

I've also noticed this - trying to do the tutorial as I need to find a solution. Have gone to max 6 for this because it's the tutorial is not even in Max 7, and I need to learn how to do this as soon as I can.

Anyone found out anymore info on this?