You're looking at the values in plane 0 only, which is the alpha channel (ARGB), which is always at its maximum value in your case. Your...
Rob Ramirez -
Why can we use different draw_mode on when using jit.geom.tomesh in some circumstances? Sometimes we can, sometimes we can't....
dunk -
Just back on this issue. I was looking to output a 2000x2000px video and ran into the same issue with the bottom border of the
cool effect! Here's my take on TFL's that uses a @fxname bloom-hq for the glow effect. It's somewhat simplified, but requires...
Robert White -
I think your missing the viewBox attribute in the svg xml. Try adding anything as a viewBox attrib, like...
Max Bowen -
Thanks this was very hepful, I've got everything working now.
Usually it's fine to go from matrix to texture, especially when you just loadbang them and that's it. I believe the most costly operation...
Could you suggest the best approach to achieve this using [cv.jit.blobs.centroids]? Should I preprocess the matrix (e.g., applying a...
Matteo Marson -
Wouldn't this be enough? Maybe i'm missing something.... You can also send multiple input textures by chaining their names like (texture...
DaSheng Hen -
I still couldn't get jit.dx.grab to work properly, but I solved the issue by using DistroAV (NDI) to capture virtual camera content in...