Camera/projection mapping textures - is jitter a good choice for this?

laserpilot's icon

Hey all,

I've found a few decent posts out there for this question in Jitter, but I'm trying to decide whether Jitter is the environment of choice for this. I've got about 5 years of Max/Jitter experience but I've mostly stayed in image processing land and not so much in the GL someone with more experience probably could advise me.

Basically I'm trying to project things on a dome (in real life) so that they look 3D-ish to a spectator.

In order to achieve this I have to have a camera watch an object and rotate it, but this also has to be projected as a texture onto a hemisphere mesh. The actual thing that gets projected is a camera that watches the bottom of the hemisphere where to texture is projected.

I can pull it off in c4d, and gave Unity a try. Unity seems like the most versatile choice but I haven't figured out the secrets of UV maps and texturing in there yet. I've looked at quartz composer as well, but I haven't been a fan of it's texturing abilities, and I'm not sure it could do projection of textures without getting into glsl.

This post has been pretty helpful for a first glance:

Included an image of how the setup would sort of work in C4d...but I'll take any suggestion for environments to try..just have to be live/interactive

maybites's icon

Check out, its a maxmsp application that does all the things you desire.

I havent made dome projections with it yet, but it sould be possible to do this, even if you need more than one projector - it has built in softedges that takes care of this.

cheers - martin