Control Kaoss Pad Touchpad with MAX/MSP / Ctlout problem
I have a urgent question:
I want to control my Kaoss Pad 3 Touch Pad x/y Koordinates with MAX/MSP. There are several forum entries that discuss the problem in the other direction, but not from PC (MAX/MSP) to Kaoss Pad3.
I tried the connection with ctlin and midiin/midiparse (attachement pictures) to control the input, so i can generate the same output with ctlout and ctlouthelp (attached pictures). The midi settings are like in KP3 Editor (attached picture). I also tried to deactivate PAD touch and the X-Axis. Nothing works.
But nothing works. I controlled the settings 100 times. Midioutput Device is Kaoss Sound. The manual says, the received/tramsmitted should be the same channel and port.
What can i do? I'm really at one's wits' end. Please help. Thanks in advance!
what does the kaoss pad manual say?
Sorry, i have forgotten to mention, that i can send Program Change Messages and they go through.
pgmout works fine, but not the Control Change ctlout.
Thank you for your tipp with the manual.
In old versions of other Kaoss Pads there is mentioned, that the HOLD button has to be activated.
I missed this f***** little piece. But now it works :-)