Control MOTU AVB gear (8M) with Max?'s icon

Hi all, I've been searching this forum and stackoverflow for about 4 weeks with this problem. I recently purchased the new MOTU 8M and AVB switch and had hopes of using Max (possibly with OSC) to control the on-board dsp via MOTU's API. The API documentation ( describes the hierarchy but only shows examples using curl requests through cli (Terminal, in my case). I can communicate with the 8M fine through Terminal/curl, and I even found a way to use MIDI out of Max to make shell command calls, but curl keeps getting clogged and crashing the 8M's webserver when I send it even small amounts of data.

I cannot for the life of me get [OpenSoundControl] in Max to do anything with the 8M. I hope it's something easy like a magical syntax I haven't tried. I can get [OpenSoundControl] to talk to Resolume just fine, so I started this project with a similar syntax - no luck. Resolume also has an option to "Enable OSC", can't find anything like that on the 8M.

MOTU says the AVB gear has OSC support since version 1.1.0, on version 1.2.0 now. (

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Here's the workbench I've been using:

And here's the MIDI -> shell commands program I ran across (Mac only, sorry). This program has some strong potential, very easy way to run scripts or execute commands directly by listening to user-defined MIDI values (

Thanks for listening,

hzd's icon

+1 for me.

I'm struggeling with the UltraLite AVB. Would this work for that as well? It uses the browser (safari, firefox....) to for control.

Compviga's icon

+1 here, anyone?'s icon

I don't have an AVB Ultralite yet but since you can control it via a built in web interface I would think you could use Jweb?

hzd's icon

I've tried looking at jweb, but I can't figure anything out and looks like jwebs ability to send messages to a website, or more like a page on a browser, is rather limited.

Any other ideas? :)

I need to mostly be able to control the input gain of the preamps and input trim and the line inputs.

Of to the Java Script tutorials for further knowledge, but I'm afraid it might be a long ride, so if any one has an answer for my query's lying around, I would appreciate it.


Dmitry Paranyushkin's icon

Anyone found a solution for linking a MIDI controller to MOTU (Ultralite) AVB interfaces?

thispatcher's icon

I'm interested in being able to do the same at some point very soon as well. In the meantime, I hope the following two resources help you:

And, at the bottom of the page, under the devices tab in the MOTU web app, there is a small chart that states the Model, GUID, Firmware Version, UI Version, Hostname, IP Address, and OSC UDP Port.

hzd's icon

Hi guys.

This now works for me:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

hzd's icon
thispatcher's icon

ah very cool! thanks for following up!

hzd's icon

Now it would be really cool, if the MOTU could somehow send its UDP port number to Max.

ET FY's icon

i'm also trying to get control over the trim of the 6 analog line inputs, but using the ultralite mk4, non AVB but uses the same webserver. i managed to "get" all the data from it via API but cannot figure out how to "patch" new values via API.
with OSC i didn't get nowhere.. anyone has a clue about the limitations of the mk4 ?

Thinium's icon


I had the same issue, having an mk4 but can't get OSC working. I contacted their support and I can confirm that Ultralite mk4 doesn't work with OSC. Only the AVB version can use OSC.

I was able to control the software using the web protocol. But it's really inefficient, so it might not be ideal for live performance where you need to change values very quickly. Check out the attached patch. It controls the 1st and 2nd track volume.

I really need speedy control so I returned my mk4.

Control Motu.maxpat
Max Patch