Controlling Logic Pro X through OSC
Has anyone succeeded in sending OSC control messages via the opensoundcontrol object to Logic Pro X yet? I'm struggeling with it.
All the best
Carl Emil
goooooodddd freakin work, man! you Just made my whole 5 month project with that one! Took me ages to tackle logic's seemingly illogical approach to handling various midi ports or timesync data. many thanks.
I haven't messed with OSC too much but on the Macbook Pro, I normally use IAC buses and they work very effectively. I'm new to Max but this will be one of the first things I try for transmitting MIDI data. I'd like to dive into OSC though and explore it's capabilities.
Logic 10.1.1, Max 7.0.4
I have been trying to assign a Logic X parameter to an OSC message sent from Max. Both Max and Logic are running on the same machine; I am sending the messages via "udpsend localhost 7000" or "udpsend"
After trying a lot of methods I cannot achieve any binding of a Logic parameter to an OSC message.
Is that what is shown here? can anyone share a Max patch that does this?
Hi Carl Emil,
I am trying to connect to Logic from Max through OSC - but there is no response from Logic.
I have tried formatting the OSC messages using the OpenSoundControl object from cnmat, but also just sending simple osc message using udpsend. I am trying to send to 7000, but there is no response from Logic. Any ideas on how to setup Logic to listen to port 7000?
I even tried to type in "/volume" in the OSC Message Paths -> Value field as you mentioned - still no response.
I saw that when using Logic Remote (Logic's own iPad controller), that seems to listen to 7000 - I can even see the osc addresses that are used for controlling volume, panning, etc... (the "Pages" zone for instance has "/mixer/volume/volume1" in the OSC Message Paths -> Value field) - but when I look in the Control Surface -> Setup.. I can see that when connecting with Logic Remote, it seems to be using the iPad as host (see screenshot).
I have attached a screenshot of the Max-patch I am using to test this + a screenshot of (nothing happening in) Logic's Controller Assignments.
Do you have any hints to how to solve this?
Thanks a lot!
/Steven Gelineck
Hi Steven!
I gave it a shot, but no luck. OSX 10.11.3. Logic Pro X 10.2.2. I guess they up(down)dated something in Logic. Found this at
"It is not possible at this time to use customized Layouts or to learn OSC commands. However, authorized 3rd party developers can create Logic CS plug-ins which can use OSC-based communication."
So. Crap.
EDIT: Waaaaaaaait a minute!! It seems he wrote that note in 2012. I had it working in 2014. Anyway, I still can't get it working now. Let me know if you find a way. It would be immensely useful.
The way I have reverse-engineered this kind of thing in the past is to have Max listen for OSC messages on that port. Then use the iPad Logic app to send out messages which will then be displayed in Max. That should tell you something about the expected format.
Hi guys,
Thanks a lot for trying it out Carl Emil. I will keep you posted if I have any progress.
And thanks for the suggestion DHJDHJDHJ..
I have also attempted the reverse-engineering approach... But for some reason it does not work. I am not sure whether Logic somehow uses the iPad as a host - see the first screenshot of my last post.
Ah, I just tried running Logic Remote in my laptop and I see that nothing happens other than it telling me to make sure I've got logic (or MainStage) running somewhere. So there's some basic handshake going in, it's probably using bonjour to discover Logic before it does anything.
Assuming nothing is being encrypted, you might have to use a packet sniffer (wireshark for example) to look at the actual data being exchanged.
Thanks for you suggestion DHJDHJDHJ... I will have a look at wireshark and let you know if I have any luck.
Hello all !
Does anyone have a solution ? I'm trying to get OSC messages from Logic Pro X in order to make a special interface or to use it with another OSC interface over RJ45...
Thanks a lot !
I finally got it to work!
For Logic to accept OSC it has to be tricked into thinking it sees an iPad running TouchOSC. To do this you need to create a zeroconf service with a name ending in "[iPad](TouchOSC)".
I don't have access to Max these days but here is an example I made in PD to get my 13" tablet to act as two separate iPads for twice as many faders and plugin parameters. I used the zconf external but there is an equivalent for Max called oscbonjour.

Hi, after oscbonjouring service, what is OSC syntax controlling Logic Pro X automations? Some simple like /1/Volume not seem to work.
I launched ToscA (, and get it thru to Logic port 9010. But how to assign ToscA parameters to some Logic (plugin or other) automations....?
apple is dying. i have used logic pro for years and they seem to fall behind Ableton in allowing advanced users to do customized mappings. this osc issue is critical and it has become the reason that i move on to other daws
since apple f'ed everything up I use ni reaktor as osc to midi cc translator, open reaktor as midi fx in logic, set up your send and recieve IP and port inside ni reaktor, then add a midi cc out block in reaktor and connect it to an OSC Recieve Array. any incoming osc will turn into midi cc.