Creating a Basic Soundboard

Samuel Irvin's icon

Hi - I'm very new to Max 7. I need to make a basic soundboard in the program, and I was wondering if anybody had a good method of how to go about that. The attached picture is about as far as I am able to go. I'm sorry for how amateur this is, but if anyone could provide any assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Tobin's icon

Make a new object "Playlist" then you can drag and drop audio files from your desktop or iTunes if you're using a Mac. With this playlist you can tweak it and organize it quite a lot.

gumi's icon

Tobin's [playlist~] suggestion is a good one.

From the pic you posted it looks like you're really close.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Assuming you need buttons with pictures of, say, fluffy kittens to click on, check out [pictctrl] or a combo of [fpic] and [ubutton] and use them to trigger a '1' message into [sfplay~]. If you also want keyboard triggering, check out [key].

Samuel Irvin's icon

Thank you for your help so far, though I'm still having trouble. So far, my build looks like this. Why might this not work? Also, I can't quite figure out the playlist thing.

gumi's icon

What you have there should at least trigger the sound. Make sure 'test.aiff' is in your search path and that everything is spelled correctly. Also check your output device (Options / Audio Status...).

As for [playlist~], take a look at the object's help file. It tells you everything you need to know to get it working. Under the Playback tab you can see how you can select which file is played by simply sending the object an int.

Also, it's best to include your patch when posting on the forum (as opposed to posting screenshots) so we can see what you've tried and where the patch is going wrong. See this post:

Wetterberg's icon

seriously, playlist~. It's more or less made for this type of thing, anything else is just reinventing the wheel.