dial matrix mixer

Sama Akira's icon

what is the best way to create dial matrix mixer?

double_UG's icon

matrixctrl + matrix~

Sama Akira's icon

yes but no.
DIAL mode

double_UG's icon

yes, matrixctrl has a dial mode, look at the help file

Sama Akira's icon

Yes, I know of course. But what's next?

Sama Akira's icon

just try to do it and maybe you will understand that it is not so simple. Or I do not see some simple solution.
Remember that with dial mode, each input is scaled separately for each output.

double_UG's icon

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Sama Akira's icon

Oh man.... I did`t know that matrix understands floats
Great .
Thank you!