Did not receive a note dictionary it time. Make sure the dictionary is synchronous

Timber Haint's icon

I'm creating a transform in MFL 9. The transform works great locally, but when installed on another machine I get the following error: "Did not receive a note dictionary it time. Make sure the dictionary is synchronous".

The Javascript (v8) is very simple and doesn't use asynchronous tasks or anything of that nature.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Greg Ross's icon

Is the other machine using max9 or the bundled version with Live?

Timber Haint's icon

Max 9 bundled version that came with the suite.

Greg Ross's icon

The bundled version is still 8.5.? I believe. Unless that changed recently. I’d double check, if it’s using the bundled version v8 objects wouldn’t be working.

Timber Haint's icon

That was it. 9 was installed but Ableton kept using 8. Reinstall fixed it. Thanks!