Dg -
Hello, simple question : is midi the way to send data sequences using Live timeline via a M4L patch ? What is the common practice for...
Sonoran Music Devices -
Below are the questions I sent to support and their responses. What is the maximum latency of send/receive? How is the latency of...
Lorand Sebestyen -
I have mapped plenty of effect parameters to my midi controller. And there is a "device select" command which I can also assign. But it...
uncle_meat -
In Live my workaround doesn't work at all... in Live utext objects aren't mappable, even if the parameter visibility is set to "automated...
theiamania -
@Mattyo, thank you for your response! Just to clarify, I’m using two M4L devices and an external Max patch (independent of Live). One of...
Greg Ross -
I’ve built a modulation sequencer for push3 standalone that takes control of the button matrix and uses it for certain settings on the...
zangpa -
Agree with Roman. I have been using the APC40 since its release, and made a simple Max patch that remaps all the faders and buttons before...
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tyler mazaika -
With abstractions in Max for Live, does --- still work as expected, or must I use #0? I have been using --- and not #0, and it seems to...
derf07 -
LOM Live_app propertie get current_dialog_button_count