display matrix data content in a screen with same layout of the matrix itself?

lotzio's icon

Hello! really newbie on jitter, I'm wandering if it's possible to do and control from jitter someting like this [see the project in attached file], to make a matrix visible on screen and controllable mantainig the matrix layout itself on the screen..
could you please give me some directions of study in order to make the project done? [similar projects, examples, tutorials, bibliography on the topic...]
thanks a lot for your Help!!


Rob Ramirez's icon

not entirely sure what you are asking, but check out jit.cellblock

lotzio's icon

EhEh! yes it's a bit tricky what's in my mind... Basically trying to implement a patch for a live A/V performance that display on screen the content of a matrix. The matrix is algorithmically filled with ascii code (so every position of the matrix contains basically a letter or symbol) and the purpose is to display the same matrix layout on screen (so the cells of the matrix diplayed like the img i've posted ) dinamically changing by the controls I plan to implement in the control algorithm.. Indeed a study about codes and languages..

Thanks for your help, I'll check out and study "jit.cellblock" for sure! I'm basically a musician, and audiovisual artist, and usually I work with Isadora final cut AE , C sound Live Cubase Logic and stuff like this, but I'm trying to learn Max and Jitter in these times, that seemed to me very powerfuls and eclectics tools in the field.. So.. Hard Work!!! but really exciting!
Thanks a lot Robert
