Error 126 - spat5.spat~

Pierre Quideau's icon

Hi everyone !

I wanted to us spat5.spat~ but error 126 block me....
Please Help !

Source Audio's icon

Usually it is due to missing msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll .
For 64 bit OS, download from this link below:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):
For 32 bit OS, download from the below link below:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):

it is enough to copy dlls in Max folder, I dislike installing anything.
That way it also works in Standalone, without bugging people to install microsoft crap

tcarpent's icon

Actually here is the procedure :

(replace "Max 7" with "Max 8" if needed in the following paths)

macOS :

  1. mount the Spat 5 disk image

  2. copy the content to your Max Packages folder (typically ~/Documents/Max 7/Packages)

  3. launch Max in 64 bit mode


  1. install the “Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2017”; you can (freely) download it from Microsoft website:
    Select “Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable” and “x64” and follow the instructions for installation.

  2. unzip the spat 5 archive, and copy the content to your Max Packages folder

  3. copy the following DLL files from the Spat package:
    alongside the Max 64 bit executable i.e.: C:\Programmes\Cycling ’74\Max 7\

  4. launch Max 64 bit

Pierre Quideau's icon

It works now, thanks a lot ! :D

Zakaton's icon

I had the same question - thanks for the answer!

Marijn C's icon

Can Anyone confirm that spat5 is now free to use? I Downloaded it, and I don't get any payment requests.

tcarpent's icon

Yes, I can confirm it's free to use.

The official terms of use are somewhat abstruse.
But feel free to download and use as you wish.

janpanis's icon

Doesn't work here, whatever I do or install, only error 1114 and not able to find any object though they are in the "package" folder. Does the win processor also need to be AVX compatible?