Error 193 loading external [WINDOWS]

Davide Rizzotti's icon

Davide Rizzotti

7月 17 2024 | 1:21 午後

Hello everyone!

I'm working on developing an external that relies on protobuf ( I was able to build it, but when I load it into Max 4 Live I get error 193. I can't find any documentation online about this error so I'm pretty much stuck and don't know what to do.

I created a very minimal external which is publicly available here ( so you can reproduce the error and hopefully understand what's going wrong. There are all the instructions to compile and build.

Thank you for your time & help!

Jeremy's icon


7月 19 2024 | 12:23 午後

The Internet tells me that Error 193 often crops up when attempting to load 32-bit libraries in a 64-bit application. Can you confirm that everything has the correct architecture?

Davide Rizzotti's icon

Davide Rizzotti

7月 19 2024 | 12:44 午後

Hello Jeremy, thanks for the answer.

just checked, and all my .lib dependencies are built for x64 machines. Indeed I'm able to use protobuf in other projects, it's just not working with the external. Also, I'm able to build working externals without the protobuf dependency.

Jeremy's icon


7月 19 2024 | 8:12 午後

When I get a chance, I'll try to spin this up from your repository and see what there is to see... Won't get to it until next week, though.

Davide Rizzotti's icon

Davide Rizzotti

7月 20 2024 | 2:49 午後

Ok Jeremy that's awesome. In the meantime I tried to build dynamically the external aswell, and I'm getting error 1114 now in this case. I created a very similar repo here: where the building process creates an external using dynamic linking.

Keep me updated then, have a good weekend

Jeremy's icon


7月 24 2024 | 12:38 午後

After some off-list wrangling, it turns out that this was due to some missing .dll files.