Ulysse Gohin -
Hello there!! I'm working since several weeks on a RNBO patch. I noticed that on my Max, something was weird with the sync outlet of...
Source Audio -
root note in wav file is part of acid chunk. but maybe you are also after unshifted note from instrument chunk ? filein read till...
Haotian Yu -
Thanks for this, very helpful - will play around and see if I can get this working with jit.charmap + matrix line breaks.
double_UG -
stelkar -
It'll do it, thank you !
I gave this another try with using the collision system of the jit.phys.world built inside of jit.world. Works OK but still not perfect,...
lennox -
God bless you. This is amazing. I think I see now, but I’ll have to put it into practice more. I’m coming to max from my excel… I think...
eric larrieux -
in case it's useful for anyone, here's a hacked together version of the audio status window that has a reset button [Max Patch]
it differs if Max or Live. and OS ? If you are Live user, try to bypass it all together. One can route midi ports using other apps
Thomas -
Hi Benjamin, since i use sequoia (M4) i meet a lot of network issue with MAX or Live When it happens, i go in the osx preference...