etable and efunc crush on timeline object

genr's icon

Hi all,

I'm trying to insert the etable or efunc editors onto the timeline, but both of them will cause the program crush. With the tutorial 41 timeline patch, when I click the efunc editor the program will crush as well. Do you have the same problem? If so, have you figured out any way to get around this in order to use things like table or function grahics on the timeline?



Claas Hanson's icon


i'm not coming up with an solution to your problem. I was just looking for an answer to the same problem: rude crash after just clicking inside the timeline (current MaxMspJitter version on Intel-Mac).

It should be a (major) bug...



genr's icon

I thought of using detonate to get around this problem, but found that the edetonate editor also crashes the program. Maybe this is simply a compilation bug for the ub version for intel-mac, and won't be something too time-consuming to fix. Hope somebody from cycling 74 could spend a bit of time on this.