fader 0-127 to control pitch of buffer~ with play~

themagicwoodshed's icon

I have been creating a drum module and I have been using sfplay~ to play the samples.

However I found a thread on this forum while I was looking for a way to replace current sample in sfplay~ and every body was saying that buffer~ and play~ is a better choice. So I have decided to change all my sfplay~ to buffer~ and play~.

However on my drum module I had created a pitch control on each non cymbal channel using a 0-127 vertical fader, the fader went into a patcher I created which then went into the speed input of the sfplay~. The patcher was quite simple I just used a selector to separate the bangs from the fader, the bangs then triggered speed times with the 64th bang on the selector banging a message box with 1 in it. This meant that the middle of the fader was normal speed.

I have looked at the hints and help patches for using play~ and buffer~. it appears that the speed message has to be part of the start and end position message.

Was wondering if any body know of a easier way of achieving this for buffer~ and play~.



brendan mccloskey's icon

Here's a simple patch showing how to get pitch and loopSize into [play~]:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.


Nikolas K's icon

hello magicwoodshed,
sorry for the awful interface in the presentation mode... did it just to get out of the mess of many objects around.
You can load a sample, and choose a transposition, min and maximum transpositions can be set by you. The way i do it is by dividing the sample time with the transposition ratio and feeding the [line~] with a the message (0, "sample duration" "sample duration divided by trans-ratio") so it plays the whole sample at the appropriate duration for the pitch-shifting.
Hope it is useful!

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.