Firewire camera recommendations?

Scott Fitzgerald's icon

Hiya peoples.

I'm looking for an IIDC firewire camera with a wide angle lens.
Ideally low noise since it will be for a motion tracking application.
Isights need not apply. I looked briefly at the Imaging Source's DFK
21F04 camera, which seems to be pretty robust, but the added cost of
an external lens.. of (esp snce i need to buy several of them).

Any suggestions?



yair reshef's icon
yair reshef's icon
Joshua Kit Clayton's icon

On Sep 19, 2006, at 9:35 AM, evan.raskob [lists] wrote:

> same here. the wide-angle lens is cheap, you can get a slightly
> better one from for around $10
> i'd love to see a shader/repos that can accurately compensate for
> the lens distortion. it's been on my to-do list forever.

Here's a quick mockup of simple barrel/pin correction using jit.expr.
Would be easy to make a shader that does similar. Or you could use
carefully constructed geometry like the following paper does, if your
HW doesn't support a programmable graphics pipeline (if you don't
mind a little bit more error, you can use an easy cartesian grid
rather than having to build the polar optimal geometry). (Real-Time Lens Distortion


Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

lists@lowfrequency.or's icon

hey that's great, just what i was looking for.
thanks, joshua!

(and sorry for hijacking this thread)


yair reshef's icon

one more -a matlab toolbox for camera
standalone application +links

2006/9/20, evan.raskob [lists] :
> hey that's great, just what i was looking for.
> thanks, joshua!
> (and sorry for hijacking this thread)
> -evan

Scott Fitzgerald's icon

bringing this all back home (or at least to my zipcode), anyone put a
wide angle lens on a unibrain camera that has comes with the
enclosure? board cameras and industrial "looking" cameras seem to be
frowned upon in this instance, so while the fire-i board + lens is the
rght choice technically, there are aesthetic reasons for choosing


On 9/19/06, evan.raskob [lists] wrote:
> same here. the wide-angle lens is cheap, you can get a slightly better one
> from for around $10

Scott Fitzgerald's icon

Whoops, it's too early for me. I can get an enclosure separately.
Thanks again for all your help.

(needs coffee)

On 9/21/06, Scott Fitzgerald wrote:
> bringing this all back home (or at least to my zipcode), anyone put a
> wide angle lens on a unibrain camera that has comes with the
> enclosure? board cameras and industrial "looking" cameras seem to be
> frowned upon in this instance, so while the fire-i board + lens is the
> rght choice technically, there are aesthetic reasons for choosing
> otherwise.

lists@lowfrequency.or's icon

just make sure that it fits properly - and ask them for a clip.
they changed their case size recently, and the board cam I have
doesn't fit completely into the case they sent. They also forgot to
send me a clip... twice. Order over the phone, not the internet, is
the lesson here.


mbiederman's icon

hi just saw this post - and I have been trying to figure this out on my own...however the patch, for me produces results only on the vertical axis. Has anyone got the above patch to work in the x and y dimensions?

thanks in advance,

yair reshef's icon