gamepad osx 15 / silicon

Thomas's icon


I have a gamepad controler 8BitDo SN30pro

I try to play with it on macbook M4 os 15.2

it is recognize by the os, but not really by MAX

nothing happens with gamepad object

with HI object it appears, if i select it and poll 10, nothing happen but and can't quit MAX, it crash

on my old macbook i7 0S10.13 it work nicely with HI object

issue from M4 architecture ? or OS 15 ?

would you have an other idea to solve it ?



TFL's icon

I have a 8BitDo Ultimate Wired Controller and it doesn't work either with [gamepad] on Apple silicon.

It works with [hi] but only if I open Max after having the controller plugged in.

Both of our controllers are listed in the SDL game controller database, which [gamepad] is based on, and mine works fine in Steam (which is also based on SDL), so I guess it's more an issue about Max itself. I'm going to report this to C74.

Thomas's icon

Thank you TFL

i had the same issue with the bluetooth 8BitDo SN30pro, you have to connect it before opening MAX
which is not very practical, because after a certain time of inactivity the Bluetooth disconnects, and you have to exit Max then reconnect the controller via Bluetooth ...

TFL's icon

It's a sad and known issue. A workaround that works for some controllers but not all is to send a soft rumble from time to time to keep the controller alive.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

(credits to Sousastep for the patch!)

EDIT: if you're in Max 9, you can try out the new [hid] object as well.

sousastep's icon

thanks for the shout out :)

i had the same issue with the bluetooth 8BitDo SN30pro, you have to connect it before opening MAX

It's not that you have to connect it before opening MAX, it's that the hi object must be instantiated after the controller connects.

You can put the hi object in a bpatcher and dynamically reload the bpatcher to reinstantiate the hi object to allow your controller to connect after opening max.