get eventcount for a track in [mtr]
im trying to get "eventcount" data out of mtr's dictionary output but can't figure out how to get that far down into the hierarchy. can someone lend a pointer?
thank you! this will work perfect, cheers
got another MTR question for ya @source
say i want to recall MTR with a pattrstorage rather than saving a json out of MTR itself... my thought was somehow get the track data into a UI object like textedit that is bound to the pattrstorage. do you have any ideas on how to approach this? thx!
why don't you use simplest form of pattrstorage ?
Yu will have to write file to disk anyway ...
only advantage would be several presets.
ah yes, this is exactly what i am trying to do. i didnt realize you can bind dict object to pattr. awesome.
yep, i am using pattrstorage, not preset.