Getting started with Max6 SDK & XCode 4.3.1

Julien Bayle's icon

Hi mates,
I'm trying to test some examples build.. driving into strange errors.

I tried to compile for 10.6 sdk or 10.7, all the same.
I didn't move anything (folders etc I mean)

On the snapshot, we can see permission denied...
So, I suspect this : XCode 4.3.1 is installed basically into /Applications and I don't have any /Developer folder BUT an /Applications/ folder.

Btw, I have no problem with Open Frameworks compilation I'm currently making all the day.

In case of, I used (for the first time) xcode-select:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

It hasn't change anything... still errors.

I have some dsp codes I designed for iOS purposes (but pure c++) and I'd like to create max externals :-(

Anyone ?

freepoulite's icon


I've got the same issue, did you find a way to solve it?


Julien Bayle's icon

I still didn't.
I had some answers in another thread as if I was the only one to have this issue so I guessed it was a problem of configuration of my, however, very standard mac OSX and last XCode version working well with everything else.

so.. no. No solution yet.

freepoulite's icon

problem solved
I've changed some stuff in maxmspsdk.cconfig and it builds!

I can give you more details or a copy of my maxmspsdk.cconfig if you want

I use Lion with xcode 4.3.2


Julien Bayle's icon

yep it could be interesting
I, myself, made some changes but I didn't yet solve it

freepoulite's icon


hope it helps you



freepoulite's icon

it bugs again, but i've finally switch the base sdk to lastest MAC OS X (10.7)

SDKROOT = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk

in the maxmspsdk.xcconfig

and it works... for now


Julien Bayle's icon

The SDK, if you have XCode 4.3.1 (and only this one) isn't placed in that folder.

freepoulite's icon

after severals test it appears that i can't compile under 64 bit architecture, I have to switch it to 32-bit intel in the build settings

freepoulite's icon

the exact path seems to be /Applications/

in xcode 4.3.2 ( today update!)

i've got only one version of xcode installed

Julien Bayle's icon

indeed, XCode is now a legacy package.