Graphing points to make a line with jit.graph or
I think what I am doing should be pretty simple. I am taking data points and I want to graph them into a line, or lines in 2D, just x and y values.
I looked at the jit.graph and objects and help files. They both seem very advanced and able to visualize audio signals. My use case is way simpler.
Is there and object or method I can use to pack an x and y value into a list, send it to jit.graph and create a line out of the data? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I might use because the colors and lines are easier to see.
thank you
Have you managed to find a solution?
Thank you!
Yes I was able to figure it out. I think I found another post that helped. I will attatch my graph here. Hopefully you can figure it out using my patch.