Help on compiling MAX SDK example .mxe64 and csound~.mxe64 on MinGW

alfonso santimone's icon

Hi all,
i'm helping the csound community on compiling a new csound~ external from Csound6 to be used with Max 6 on 64 bit.
Trying to compiling it with MinGW 64 even the Max SDK example crashes MAX, so we're stuck.
Any help?
The Cycling'74 team seems very involved in Max7 release ( and im'happy and i understand )so has not been of any help.
They told me "we don't support 3rd party stuff".
But i guess that the MAX SDK example is not really a third party thing given that has been made by Cycling'74 itself.

thanks and all the best

Rory Walsh's icon

Perhaps one of the devs can spot something with the build command? The gcc I'm using is 64bit, are there any other 64bit specific flags I need to add?

gcc simplemax.c -shared -DWIN_VERSION -DWIN_EXT_VERSION -IC:\Users\rory\Documents\sourcecode\MaxSDK-6.1.4\c74support\max-includes -C:\Users\rory\Documents\sourcecode\MaxSDK-6.1.4\c74support\max-includes\x64 -lMaxAPI -o simplemax.mxe64

dan b's icon

Just saw this. I've not tried mingw, but it looks like you're compiling on Win? I've recently worked through issues with compiling MSP externals on win (using the free visual studio dl) - so this may possibly be of help.

Otherwise a couple of stabs in the dark: previously when I've managed to compile an external that subsequently crashed MAX it was either due to declaring incorrect no of arguments in the dsp add routine, or due to failing to export the MAIN function into the compiled mxe file.

Rory Walsh's icon

Thanks Dan. The issue here is that even the exmples in the SDK won't build with Mingw64. It looks like we'll just have to wait until the devs can take a look.

Ernest's icon

Oh heck.I just discovered macosx doesnt include gccany more, and so I find myself looking at Juce, as it appears javascript doesnt work in immediate mode at all in Max, maybe Juce is actually the best option...if for no other reason than Cycling74 is reported to build its products on Juce.

And I still wouldnt say anything except I just noticed Juce has been acquired by something called Roli in the last month, and Giles will be in the USA in January, and there's a meetup scheduled for it. So I hope to see some folks there )

alfonso santimone's icon

hi guys,
any news on this topic?
thanks and bests
