Hexagon Pixelation

Wax's icon


2月 24 2015 | 1:26 午前

Does anyone know of a patch or even a tutorial that can help create hexagonal or other polygonal pixelation on a photo or video?

Andro's icon


2月 24 2015 | 8:28 午前

Not sure if it will work but you could try jit.gl.slab with the td.repos file. Search for the example file. Send a hexagonal image into its right inlet.

Rob Ramirez's icon

Rob Ramirez

2月 24 2015 | 8:50 午後

you could create a hexagon shape using jit.gl.mesh, and multiply it with jit.gl.multiple, based on whatever pixelation algorithm you're using. alternatively you could create the hexagon using a geometry shader. there's also some jitter recipes where quad vertices are calculated from a single point, that could be modified. check our recipe 36, 37, and 38.

Wax's icon


2月 24 2015 | 9:11 午後

I've been working with Max/MSP for many years, but almost nothing with Jitter, so I don't have a pixelation algorithm and wouldn't know what to do with one. I'm guessing it takes a shape into which a sample of the input image/video at the center point of the shape (hexagon) is taken/averaged. The larger the shape, the more input pixel value are averaged?

I took a look at at recipe 36-38, but I'm not sure where to start.

Also, isn't jit.gl.mesh and jit.gl.multiple 3D effects? I'm looking for a 2D pixelation result. Sorry if I misunderstood.

matmat's icon


2月 25 2015 | 7:42 午前

There is a great patch from Ben Bracken for that :
Day 19

Wax's icon


2月 25 2015 | 4:12 午後

Wicked, thanks Matmat! That's really helpful. Now, I just need to find a way to use these for pixelation.