how to clear dialog?
i'd like to be able to clear the dialog when the dialog has been already filled one time with a symbol/string.
If you have a dialog, then after a first bang, and if you or a random user has enter a string, i don't find the way that the dialog is prompt with a cleared field.
I think we miss a clear message here. Sending symbol " " obviously doesn't work as it opens up the dialog again
thx in advance for the help!
clear the 'label' attribute, using attrui
thx but that's not working. It clears the label of the dialog, which is not my need.
I need a way, in mode 0, to clear the field (as symbol) when the dialog is prompt so the field is empty (always). As i understand, the field is only cleared when the patcher is closed.
This is what I used in old max versions which had no attributes
(127 = delete key)
still works best
thx @source audio - it works indeed!
i tried also symbol " " but it gets this weird uncleared field
thx a lot! :)
using dialog is a neat trick!
I tried clearing dialog with char(127) as the argument of the "symbol" message, but the results were inconsistent. Then I used char(0) instead and that seems to work seamlessly.
sprintf symbol \"\"