Is "---" in Max for Live, a equivalent to "#0" in Max?

Masa's icon

Hi all,

Is my understanding correct, that to get a unique number to that patch, I should use "---" (three dashes) in Max for Live patches, and "#0" in Max patches?
Do they work in the same way?

Many thanks in advance,

stkr's icon

yes in that that to get unique ids in live you can use --- and #0 in max.

however, no, they are not the same.

there is no equivalent to --- in max. --- is device wide, throughout any abstractions / etc in the m4l project format. you can also use #0 in m4l for unique ids in specific abstractions exactly as you do in max.

the sort-of equivalent of --- in max is to use globals (no precursor), but this is not the same as it is program-wide. you cannot do this in m4l as it would send data across the entire live set.

there is no way to have top-patcher-level-only specific sending in max - you need to build system of passing unique ids around.

Masa's icon

Thank you very much for your detailed answer.
When you say 'globals' in Max, do you mean the use of the 'global valuables' in the 'js' object?

stkr's icon

no, sorry, i was referring to just using 'send' / 'receive' etc with no unique identifier.

Masa's icon

Sorry for my delay...! OK, I see your point. Thanks a lot.

Jdudeo's icon

why does the forum merge three hyphens into one character "—"?
this is a bit misleading and could drive somebody crazy wondering why this solution doesn't work when copy pasted into a patch (unless there's something I don't know about?).

jarkob's icon

just use < c o d e > --- < / c o d e > and your hyphens won't be merged ;-)

And while we're at this, are these unique numbers for the patches always the same? I realized that when I create and delete patches, the numbers increment. But when I restart Live, it seems that they always start at 1 and increment then in the same manner every time I restart Live.
Thus, they might stay the same for every restart........ Is that correct?