Issue with groove sync output

Ulysse Gohin's icon

Hello there!!

I'm working since several weeks on a RNBO patch.

I noticed that on my Max, something was weird with the sync outlet of the groove~ object. I set the @syncmode to 2, which is supposed to output ms (milliseconds) to indicate the current position of the groove reading a buffer in realtime.

But the numbers flowing out of the groove are not the real milliseconds : the flow is much slower.

I compared the flow with a real-time clock using elapsed~, and snapshot~, and when I banged the two flows simulteanously I had 275 out of the groove~ while the clock was at 57471 (you can see the example at the picture below).

I tried with synctype 0 or 1, and I also tried by outputting samples re-converted to ms, but the problem was the same.

I tried this inside of different patches, to see if the issue was an overflow from my patch that starts to be quite complex, but the example above is from an empty patch..

Do you know where the problem might come from?

Thanks in advance and good day!!
