Java Max 8 and xDebug (
I know Java/mxj is not getting much love (in maintenance mode).... Still in my current project I came to a point where writing my own mxj external Java seems to be the best option.
For debugging (back in the days of Max 6) I used to modify the and uncommenting the relevant options;
max.jvm.option -Xdebug
max.jvm.option -Xnoagent
max.jvm.option -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket\,address=8074\,server=y\,suspend=n
max.jvm.option -XX:-UseSharedSpaces
Since now in Max 8 everything is bundled in I located the file in the bundle and tried the same. Though
adding the jvm option-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket\,address=8074\,server=y\,suspend=n
crashes Max as soon as an mxj class is loaded.
Is there still a way to use xdebug with Java/mxj?
I found the solution:
If I change the port and skip -XX:-UseSharedSpaces it work :)
Final JVM xDebug config i use is:
max.jvm.option -Xdebug
max.jvm.option -Xnoagent
max.jvm.option -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket\,address=9074\,server=y\,suspend=n
wWith a matching debug confing in InteliJ IDEA (usinf the Comuntity Edition) it connects properly.