JavaFX in Max/MSP

JavaProgrammer's icon

What do I need to do to use JavaFX inside Max/MSP?

If I try to compile, it doesn't find the javafx.application.* library.

Thanks in anticipation.

EDIT: Oh, my Max/MSP is using Java 1.6, while my command line is running 1.8.

Floating Point's icon

Hey did you manage to get to work?

JavaProgrammer's icon

No, not yet. I don't know how to get the JavaFX thread going without using a standalone application. At the moment it just claims that it can't find the JavaFX class.

yaniki's icon

Im not an expert on this field, but, I think, integrating JavaFX with Max will be somehow problematic. Standalone Java application (or maybe Processing?) + communication with Max through Syphon, OSC may be simpler.

JavaProgrammer's icon

For complicated reasons, I need to work out how to simply integrate Max/MSP with JavaFX. Communication with a standalone application wouldn't work for my purposes.

Floating Point's icon

regarding your original post, I found my default compiler command path on my Mac OS10.8 (within the mxj quickie ide) is :

but it should have been:

just posting this for the record-- not directly pertinent to the issue at hand-- but if I get a chance i'll try compiling some simple Javafx code within quickie and see if it sticks...

adamiam's icon


I've been trying to get this going too and have encountered the same problem. Did you manage to get this working?