jit.movie limitations in M4L

Oni Shogun's icon

Hi all,
I am trying to playback a long but downsampled moviefile along Ableton's sequencer where the same movie is placed. As soon as I close the editing environment and try to run the simple playback patch following the current_song_time property scaled to 'position' of the movie and qlim'ed according to its 'fps', it drops most frames and only outputs frames intermittently, if at all. Anyone have any idea how the settings can be adusted or does anyone know of an alternative playback method to output every frame of the movie while Ableton is playing for both to positions to match all the way through?

Thank you very much!

left (jit.window of jit.world wrapper) and right (Ableton video window) should match during playback — possible?

Rob Ramirez's icon

is it just the position updates that cause the frame drops, meaning does the jit.movie~ play fine in your device without those updates? If so I would recommend a different strategy of periodically checking playback (e.g. every 1 second) and using slight rate adjustments to synchronize the jit.movie~ to the timeline.

Oni Shogun's icon

yes Rob, I reckon it is/was the realtime 'positioning' which I could not get to work, even at the lowest framerates possible. For my own usecase — wich banks on seamless playback of the movie with no fps-reduction for audio-translation — I could set it to @automatic 1 now and only reposition it whenever playback restarts, so that seems fine atm when making up for a slight delay in the playback.
Thank you for the hint.