let sound respond to the presence of color
Hi, I'm new to Max MSP. I'm working on a patch that turns on a sound when it recognizes a certain color. Currently I have managed to trace a color, but I am not yet able to get it to trigger a specific sound. I'm a bit stuck at the moment. Can anyone help me?
would you compare 3 rgb values and pick highest one ?
thank you for your answer. I would like to play a sound by seeing the presence of a color. And that by each color Im tracking. In this case: yellow, blue and red. So the patch will play a sound by seeing the values of the presence of the color.
I don't understand what you mean by play a sound by seeing values.
start / stoop when what ?
or loop all the time and adjust level depending on value ?
Or anything else ?
hi, at this moment I can trigger sound by the value of color. Only now it plays continuously. How can I ensure that it only plays once when it is triggered? I tried with the bang output from sfplay to a 0 message output and back to gate 1. But that doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
ok, so you want to start playback when color value is > 20.
and allow next start only after playback finished, right ?
that gate is wired wrong.
this would be one option :
you don't need to tell sfplay~ to open same file every time playback triggers.
As soon as playback is finished, > 20 detector can trigger again.
I don't know if you need some delay in between or other conditions,
like change from < 20 to > 20 etc