Loading files into Simpler/Sampler from M4L

adamflorin's icon


2月 09 2011 | 6:11 午前

Is it possible to automatically load a sample into the Sampler or Simpler Live devices from M4L via the LOM?

I see that each has a "Sample Selector" parameter, but when I try to feed (plausible yet random) commands into it, I get an "invalid syntax" message from live.object.

Ideally, I'd be able to pass the path to a local file in.

Timo Rozendal's icon

Timo Rozendal

2月 09 2011 | 10:38 午前

the min and max val of the sample selector parameter are 0 and 127 (not quantized), so I expect it is not the sample-filename

actually, I don't know what it does

ShelLuser's icon


2月 09 2011 | 11:41 午前

This isn't possible at this time. Generally speaking I'd say that M4L is fully aimed at accessing the Live session environment (session view) and allows you to control most of Live's aspects which basically boil down to settings. From (global) application settings down the line to track, clip and device settings.

But when it comes to influencing the environment itself your options are somewhat limited.

The sample selector you're referring to is simply one of the zones which you can use to make a selection as to what sample should be playing (key zone, velocity zone and a specific selector).

In Sampler: click on 'zones' (expand it), the click on 'Sel' (the most right button in sample layer list). The orange indicator is the sample selector.

The reason why this also exists in Simpler is because this device can also handle multiple samples. However you'd need Sampler to set it all up (using the conversion options "simpler -> sampler" and "sampler -> simpler").

Emanuel's icon


4月 03 2011 | 9:26 午後

I have the exact same problem of not being able to load samples automatically in Simpler. To get around this, I programmed my patch called "Drumfire", http://www.maxforlive.com/library/device.php?id=406
This is kind of a Simpler programmed in Max4Live with folder and sample load possibility.

Am I somehow stubborn to believe there still must be a possibility to do what "adamflorin" expects, to simply trigger the load of samples into simpler from M4L? It would finally make "Drumfire" obsolete.

Samplers & their chains are just not an alternative, as they hog CPU time and / or memory with no end.

Frederic Font's icon

Frederic Font

12月 10 2015 | 3:13 午後

Hi everyone,

So this topic is more than four years old, has there been any update about that?
Any way to load a file in sampler/simpler given a file path (or something similar)?
It's just too sad if this is not possible yet :(


Jay Walker's icon

Jay Walker

4月 04 2019 | 10:12 午後

Hello, I'm interested in this. Unfortunately the m4l link doesn't have a patch anymore. Anyone thought of a good solution for loading samples and not having a hogged up computer via 128s?

Edit -- I found an m4l device that loads one sample at a time into RAM, and uses a folder you choose to select samples. It's called Many-Sample. However you can't have multiple versions of it up, or at least when I did my entire live and max setup eventually had a major meltdown that I'm still recovering from.

OCH's icon


5月 26 2020 | 9:10 午前

@Jay Walker,
Emanuel's device is still here.

I really wish it would be possible to programmatically load samples into simpler... and wavetable!

benj3737's icon


5月 26 2020 | 2:46 午後

I do a ridiculous thing where I hack the mouse to click on the hot-swap sample button in the sample window, then type the name of the audio file in the browser, then hit enter.
It's whack, but it works

OCH's icon


5月 26 2020 | 6:55 午後


haha, sounds very hacky indeed.
can you share it?