Matrix Modulation

Eric Sterling's icon

Is there a design pattern for where you have a set # of modulators (say LFOs) and you want to be able to select what they modulate? Other than a select with an absurd # of outputs?

Roman Thilenius's icon

forward/receive with the forwards inside a poly~ maybe.

other than that, when you need to connect stuff, you need to connect it. a fullfeatured matrix mixer object for data does to my knowledge not exist. for signals you could dive a bit into mc maybe, that will help there.

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

my style of figuring out a design pattern in Max for something like this starts with the chosen UI, and to select from a set of options for both input and output, i usually start with umenu, so therefore, i'll just cater umenu's available output to either a 'decode'-like pattern(where a certain numbered-ID will automatically open that particular numbered gate without any select/translation needed), or i'll use the literal/symbol output of umenu to change the send~ name directly(but this is just for LFOs or other things where you don't need to apply a declick for changing things quickly... this can still be added for each change, too: that's something you might need for any design pattern)...

something like this:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

the general idea is to use 'encoding' and 'decoding' to map the most transparent routing with very little translation in-between UI to audio-selection-operation('coll' is easy to setup for such a situation, too).

good question! i'm curious about other peoples' styles for this, too 🍶