Max 8.0.8 Released
Happy 808 Day!
Take a look at the change log below and download the installers here:
Attached to this Forum post are a couple of extra treats to commemorate the syzygy of our version number (we cheated a little bit, sorry 8.0.7!) with this auspicious software release date and a certain legendary piece of music hardware. We hope you have fun with them!

New Features:
chooser: new selectedclick attribute
expr/vexpr: fmod operator for float modulo operations
Max Console: Copy Selected Text option in contextual menu
sprintf: allows list input to cold inlets to set subsequent inlets
vst~: 'get' message accepts a parameter name
Fixed Bugs:
amxd~: fixed crash on unfreeze of device (parameter restore issues)
atoi: no longer truncates floats
audiounit~: improved usage of preferred plug format in response to plug_au/vst/vst3 messages
autopattr/pattrstorage: fixed issues with deleting/reinstantiation of objects
capture: @size attribute works when there is no object argument
Collections browser: filenames with single-quotes no longer throw sqlite errors
Create Template: fixed text wrapping in panel
detonate / pianoroll: color theme improvements
dict.view: improved performance with large dictionaries
expr: fixed differences with pow on Windows
expr: increased random range
external editor: fixed issues with using some editors on Windows
Font Panel: uses localized font names
gain~: multislider attr is disabled in non-MC version
Gen reference: removed duplicate ref pages
Groups: fixed crash when editing a poly~ patch or abstraction that contains grouped objects
Help: fixed windowing bug
hover: fixed crash when deleting an object when @mode is set to 1
JS: fixed crash using bracket notation
JS: require works in frozen Max For Live device
jstrigger: fixed issues with complex expressions
live.* UI objects: improve how different mouse drag speeds changes values
live.arrows: fixed presentation issues
live.arrows: parameter-enabled (off by default)
live.arrows: rename idle -> off in enum
live.banks window: misc UI improvements
live.dial: correctly draws modulation ring
live.drop: disabled 'type' in inspector object with property argument observes after id is sent
live.text: added blinktime attr and scheduling for passing bangs while in button mode
loadbang: fixed hang when triggering the scripting of a new patcher
Max For Live SR switching: fixed issues with speedlim, pipe, midiout, LFO etc, when switching SR in Live
Max For Live: fixed crashing of some Max 7 amxds (parameter cloning issue)
Max For Live: removed 2 pixel border in device view
MC object reference pages: removed duplicate discussion tag
mc.gen: added ref page
mc.gen: registers param objects
mc.mixdown~: activechans 1 outputs as expected
mc.playlist~: sync output is single channel
mc.send~ / mc.receive~: opens correct ref pages
mc.send~ / mc.receive~: correct ref pages open
mcs.* objects: improvements to help / ref
MFL jit.pwindow: fixed issues with creation in Live (fixes some LFO display issues)
MFL jit.vcr: write works in the MFL editor
MFL midiin/midiout: fixed CPU spikes when two midiin/midiout devices are in a Live set
MFL parameters: fixed some issues related to parameters being loaded in abstractions
midiin/midiout: fixed CPU spikes when two midiin/midiout devices are in a Live set
New Font Panel: follows Theme color changes
nslider: alias 'staffs' to 'staves'
omx.* objects: restored parameter ranges to signed values and fixed all level parameters with internal "dB" values
out~: fixed crash when transformed to MC version (which doesn't exist)
Package Manager: can update "extending" package
Parameter window: correct text colors
Patching Modes: Programmatic setting of presentation mode updates the toolbar
pattrstorage: adding/scripting new objects added to correct level in patcher hierarchy
pattrstorage: getcurrent and storagewindow indicate same slot after insert
pattrstorage: storagewindow properly updates
polybuffer~: removed appendempty channel limit
sflist~: open message works
standalone: respects attributes set in object box
stutter~: threadsafe
textfield: fixed justification of italic fonts
umenu: filter by type improvements
vst~ / amxd~: fixed applying 'show controls in patcher' on multiple objects
vst~: fixed crash in IEM plugin
vst~: improved response to DSP settings
vst~: improved support for 64-bit processing
Digging into the release now. There is still garbled font showing on comments using Lato font, the reference tabs, and tooltips in various parts of the platform. I've submitted bug reports on this in the past.

Downloaded, not working on Windows 10. Stucks with the loading circle on the max console. I am downloading another time, see if something happened.
EDIT: Most likely a problem of mine. I found an old installer of 8.0.4 and installed it, but isn't working.
thx Jeremy ;)
I'm not sure if it's max 8.08 or the new jitter upgrade, but on windows 10 the doesn't respond to double-click anymore so you can't bring up the interface.
mc.poly~ still can't be upsampled....
@DADDYMAX: The Material browser isn't currently supported in the GL3 beta.
@REDHEXAGONAL: This is still a known and open issue.
Thanks for the extra's Jeremy!
It's a lot of great improvements and fixes!
But unfortunately the version not working with Windows 10. Unfortunately reinstalling my windows hasn't helped.
Do you have any ideas about it?
@Anna: that has to be something local on your end because I can assure you that everything works as intended on Windows 10. When you say "not working" then what exactly are you referring to? "not working" is way too broad. Does Max start? Do you get a patcher window? What exactly isn't working?
@Shelluser: Hi. Max 8.0.8 crashes often on windows 10 for me. It also seems buggy and often freezes. I've not had as many max problems before on a windows system.
@Anna Nasor it sounds like you should be speaking to about these problems, they'll help you out.
MacOs10.15 'Catalina' question: if we make standalones with cycling74 drivers, will we have to submit them to Apple for verification?
Yes, you will need to sign and notarize your standalone if you want to distribute it without users having to disable gatekeeper to run it
Hi Ben. that's been true before, but according to the Web, Catalina imposes much more stringent requirements, specifically on audio drivers. Please see
and my question is, will we have to get certification on Cycling74 audio drivers TOO, or will Cycling74 certification be enough,. Thanks for response )
Yes, you will need to follow whatever requirements that Apple has, such as setting up signing and notarization with the correct entitlements based on what is included in your standalone.
ok Ben, I guess I have to ask whether Cycling74 has certified its drivers according to the new Catalina standards, because I'm publishing a new standalone with audio and midi drivers next week, and it's pointless me submitting it to Apple if Cycling74 hasn't certified its own drivers yet, sorry to be an annoyance, but I have been working on this design for a year.
Sorry to not be more clear. It is my understanding that you will have to sign and notarize all components of your standalone yourself.
We hope/expect to be Catalina compliant in an upcoming release, but that won't help you when you go to sign/notarize, as you will need to do it yourself, stripping our signing, and doing it all over again. After we release a Catalina complaint version of Max, we can probably can point people in the right direction in terms of what entitlements are needed.
Regardless, developers will have until January 2020 to become fully Catalina compliant, so you do have some time.
Thanks, I understand now, looking forward to your Catalina release then )
@MUSIC_SDP Good news - I had exactly the same issue, but have found a fix :) I deleted all of the Lato fonts from my Windows/Fonts folder (right click on them and click delete) and re-downloaded them from here - (click the Download TTF button). Installed them and am now back in business with no corrupt tool tips !