Max 8.3.1 Released
Ben Bracken
May 10, 2022, 5:20 PM
We've just released Max 8.3.1 This update focuses on fixing critical regressions and improving support for newer features introduced in Max 8.3.0.
As always, you can download the update here:
For a full list of all Max 8.3.1 improvements, check out the change log below, or here:
Ben & Cycling '74
Fixed Bugs
• crosspatch: updates when recalling pattr presets
• crosspatch: works in the context of a Max for Live device hosted in Live
• curve~: works with tempo-based values
• filtergraph~: setting 'edit_Q' does not trigger output
• Gen: improved help popup sizing
• fixed crash on setting name attribute
• jit.matrix: doubled maximum size (~2 GB)
• jit.playlist VIDDLL: fixed broken UI when jpg image is loaded
• jsui sketch: fixed image file rendering on Windows
• matrix~ / sig~: improved CPU usage
• mc.assign: float and int input delay appropriately in listiter mode
• mc.pattern~: fixed outlet assistance
• mc.shape~: @mode of function object is respected when @curvemode is set to 'auto'
• phasor~: fixed setting phase offset
• sfplay~: fixed playback with large numbers of channels
• sfplay~: 'seek' playback improvements
• sfrecord~: specifying file type and file name works
• VIDDLL Engine: fixed image / texture output issues with some still images
• VIDDLL Engine: fixed jpg image loading
Exit Only
May 11, 2022, 1:26 PM
nice. very fast turnaround for all of these fixes. thanks!!
May 11, 2022, 8:15 PM
YUP, thanks for quick fix...
Francois Weber
May 12, 2022, 8:24 AM
Thank you very much for this update !
Adam Verver
Aug 14, 2022, 3:49 PM
Hi Ben,
Thank you for this update, which is working well for me, except for one issue:
I have updated Max from 8.2.2 to 8.3.1 and found out that the header of AIFF files recorded by the sfrecord~ object has significantly changed. The AIFF files from 8.3.3 play fine on many audio players but some custom software packages(written in C) I use to analyze and process the recordings crash while checking the header, while they have no issue loading AIFF files recorded with Max v 8.2.2.
I am attaching a snapshot of the headers of AIFF files recorded with sfrecord~ in Max 8.3.1 and Max 8.2.2 that clearly shows the difference between the headers.
Is it possible to switch back to the older AIFF header/format, which seems compatible with more players/software packages?
Thank you.

Ben Bracken
Aug 14, 2022, 8:16 PM
@ADAM thanks for this. I'll share this with the team so we can take a closer look!