Max PDF Documentation
Please provide PDF downloads for your documentation. This is highly useful for those times where I am not connected to the World Wide Web and wish to learn from the user manuals.
I've posted this in the MaxMSP forum, but this applies to the entire Cycling '74 product line.
Thank you.
I second this as it would be extremely useful for teaching the software.
My workaround in the past has been to go to the online documentation, hit print, then save as PDF. Obviously this is a lot of extra work. I also haven't been able to perform a 'print' command from inside Max7's built-in documentation.
Related: I cannot find comprehensive online docs for Max7. Can anyone point the way? This is as close as I get, but it links to the Max6 docs, even though this is listed in the Max7 FAQs.
Found the Max7 online documentation. I was relying on search. Searching 'max 7 online documentation' does not return this result. Maybe now it will:
Get this when I try to access it :
400 Bad Request
Request Header Or Cookie Too Large
nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
+1, that would be a huge help
It is something I have wanted for a long, long, long time .................
+1 I'd take a .pdf or an android/IOS reference app so you could keep the nesting / hyperlinks.
Any news ?
I was in a hurry, so I've done it.
Didn't check if it's flawless, but here is a link to the rar of the doc :
I want to bring this topic back to the front. Was just looking to print adstatus reference page, but no pdf to be found. Are there no pdfs for Max/msp reference pages??
Are there no pdfs for Max/msp reference pages??
no, but easiest way to do it yourself, though, is navigate to anything you want to print to from the online version of the Max 8 docs:
(helpful to memorize that 'refpages/' after 'max8/' in the url can help you get to any specific object's refpage online...), and use the save-to-pdf function of your browser's print-dialog:

👇attached is the result of me saving the web-page as .pdf to save you the trouble :)
Thanks @RAJA...the reference pages were just what I was looking for. Why on Earth would/refpages/*
not be linked from: ?
Thanks for sending the link. --JW