Max Summer Courses @ Goldsmiths College, London UK

Sebastian Lexer's icon

Sebastian Lexer

6月 16 2010 | 4:54 午後

Max Summer Courses
Goldsmiths Electronic Music Studios
Saturday 10th - Friday 23rd July 2010

We are pleased to announce our tenth year of Max Summer Courses, which will be held during July at Goldsmiths. The courses will be taught by visiting tutors Tim Ward (Introductory level) and Sebastian Lexer (Advanced level).

Please follow this link for full information and to download a booking form -

Since summer 2001 our Max courses have attracted participants from across the UK, Europe, North & South America, the Far East and Australia, including students, educators, mainstream musicians, composers, sound artists, and performers who utilise live electronics. All courses are taught using Max 5 running on Apple Mac computers.

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Max Introductory Course #1
(tutor: Tim Ward)
Saturday 10th, Sunday 11th, Saturday 17th, & Sunday 18th July (4 days across two consecutive weekends)

Max Introductory Course #2
(tutor: Tim Ward)
Tuesday 13th - Friday 16th July inclusive

Max Introductory Course #3
(tutor: Tim Ward)
Tuesday 20th - Friday 23rd July inclusive

Max Advanced Level Course #1
(tutor: Sebastian Lexer)
Tuesday 13th - Friday 16th July inclusive

Max Advanced Level Course #2
(tutor: Sebastian Lexer)
Tuesday 20th - Friday 23rd July inclusive

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Luke Hall's icon

Luke Hall

6月 16 2010 | 10:31 午後

I would love to apply for a place on the advanced course seeing as the only structured teaching I got specifically in Max was back in university. Unfortunately I can't justify taking a week off work and paying the course fees. Fingers crossed for a weekends-only option next time!
