Midi Input for Max Audio Effects

David's icon

Is there a specific reason, why Max Audio effects cannot receive Midi-Data? It seems to be possible for VST/AU Plug-Ins and as the integration (don´t know, if this is the right word, I´m not a native englisch speaker) of Max for Live into Ableton Live is so much more powerful and gives us so much more possibilities than the VST or AU standard, I find it strange that this is simply not possible at the moment.
I know about the works-around using send/receive or udpsend/udpreceive but the latency is problematic for timing-critical effects like stutter or gating.
So it would be great, if someone from cycling74 could give us some infos, if it is planned to make Max Audio Effects receive midi data in the future.

stygmate's icon
AudioLemon's icon

If this is a wish list i'd love Multichannel support - to be able to convolve 2 channels of audio, and for sidechain fx, and for cross mod of channels, and to be able to create multichannel spatializers etc...

you may call me a dreamer...

stringtapper's icon

As with a lot of the limitations of M4L, it's rooted in Live's own architecture and so for something like this to change I believe Live itself is going to have to change and a change like that will not happen before the next major release (Live 9).

dadadrummer's icon

Have you tried Leigh Hunt's lh_midiinout object? it worked for me :)

Valiumdupeuple's icon

As dadadrummer said, lh_midiinout object is the solution. And it's not a workaround, it just works great.

ShelLuser's icon

Is there a specific reason, why Max Audio effects cannot receive Midi-Data? It seems to be possible for VST/AU Plug-Ins and as the integration (don´t know, if this is the right word, I´m not a native englisch speaker) of Max for Live into Ableton Live is so much more powerful and gives us so much more possibilities than the VST or AU standard, I find it strange that this is simply not possible at the moment.

Well, the reason is actually pretty obvious: a M4L device basically behaves and responds as if it were a regular Ableton Live device. And Live audio effects cannot receive incoming midi data. Just like Live midi effects will never be able to receive incoming audio data.

So there is a logic to all this, sort off. Because this statement obviously triggers: "Some Live audio effects can side-chain audio". M4L can't do that either so it seems (I'm still wondering / experimenting to see if you can't get it to recognize extra inputs), but it looks to me as if those effects which can side chain audio have this feature specifically programmed in (as in: it doesn't seem to follow Live standards).

David's icon

Thank you all for your replies. I tried the lh_miniinout objects, but I got instant crashes. I will try again, when I have more time. Do they have a latency like the standard (udp)send/receive?

ćwiek's icon

and what about max for live instrument?

usertester005's icon
daltonh's icon


Also, does anyone know of another place to find Leigh Hunt's lh_midiinout object? The link is giving me an error.


leighhunt's icon
DRKOSS's icon

Leigh - great object and mighty kind of you to share!!!

Question about parsing (in max 5) if i attach midiparse to your object - it doesn't seem to parse data - is it a full midi message?

the reason i want to parse is because i want to separate by channel - maybe there is another way?

any ideas?

thanks - and again - very cool of you!

DRKOSS's icon

Apologies - i should have tested more - all is need is 'iter'

again - thanks!!

floex's icon

if this is still interesting topic for anybody.
i've found very easy workaround.
i'm sendning midi in data from the midi instrument via osc over the localhost port to audio effect.
in comparison to all the other methods, this actually works for me!

Shaun Hirsch's icon

Hi I'm Halo4shaun, Here is a Solution to your problem Free Of Charge:
Use this Device and Type Receive Midi Send as an object in your Effect Patcher, It will give you Midi notes. Check out my Spotify: Halo4shaun

Midi Send.amxd
amxd 4.17 KB