Midi input.output menu is empty in max (not live bundle) once a device is edited in Live
I have a big issue I don't manage to solve since I have a new computer with W11pro.
I use a device in Max 8.6.5 (not the Live bundle version) that works in parallel of Live (12.1.10b2) and its max bundle version.
When I start those programs I can see in the max midi option all my midi in and out devices (virtual or hardware)
Then if I start Live every thing works as usually; in both live and max the midi ports are well listed.
But if I open any m4L device to edit it :
all the midi ports in the maw standalone disappears and only the opened device in Live is shown instead.
Once I stop to edit the device, the menu remains totally empty.
Closing Max and restart it doesn't change anything. The only way to make them appear again it to close/restart Live.
Until I edit again a device...
It's just impossible to work =(
I precise that I have to re autorize max each time in this new computer since it's my third computer with my licence.. I don't know if it can be linked
Whatever I use in Live the standalone Max or the bundle version the problem is the same..
Any idea ?
thank you a lot.
In fact it's worst..
-I open max (menu ok)
-I open a new live.set in parallel (menu =ok)
-I add an empty m4L device and click to edit it
-max crashs instantly with this error message :
crash recovery: patcher no longer exists at path [Max MIDI Effect]
Since it's a new computer all is freshly installed, all the search path are the defaults ones.
I never had this issue with W10pro.
Are you sure Live does not open device to edit
in same Max application which allready runs ?
Thank you for your quick response.
It could explain the problem but how to know ?
I don't think so because the "style" of max are differents in the Live version and the standalone version
before I change computer, both had the same style, I don't know why it's different now..
At the left it's the standalone version with a dark style while at the right it's the bundle live version with a grey style. Since I can see both in the same time maybe Live doesn't run the max application already running...
Once I edit a device in Live and close the device.
Max crashs and/or it's midi menu is empty.
Then If I close Max.
If I click in the Max app icon, nothing happens.
Max doesn't open.
If I open a xxxx.maxpat, Max opens again but the midi list remains empty...
..until I close and reopen Live..
Listen - Live has bundled Max.exe - whatever version.
Max standalone is completely separate installation.
Is that correct on your pc ?
You have max 8.6.5 installed and it starts
completely independent of that built in version of Live ?
if you are not sure get about max when both are opened
Yes i have both indépendant live and max licence since years.
It's the 1st time i have this problem.
Since i have a new pc with w11pro (was 10pro before)
What is strange is that when i open max without live, it's "black".
Then if i open live/edit a m4l/close the m4l. My max standalone has now a grey style...
It never happened before.
My max standalone is "affected" by the live version (whatever i choose in live bundle version or custom version)
Edit: desinstalling/reinstalling live and max doesnt fix
there is this setting follow live thema or something like that.
It does not matter what license you have, but what max version(s) gets started !
Installing or deinstalling on windows does not help anything.
All settings and other junk is still left where it was.
Now what are that 2 max versions ?
can you not post that infos ?
both are 8.6.5
you can see in the task manager if 2 apps are running
Thank you to point me to look at the task manager.
What happens seems weird to me...
I start Max
I open a new patcher
this "Max.exe" in the task manager is the standalone
then I open an empty live set and drop an empty midi device and open it for editing.
a second Max.exe (M4L bundle) appears above the 1st one in the task manager
but the edited device is opened in MAX and not in M4L !
just the M4L (grey) console opens just behind the MAX console with same dimensions (I move it to the left in the capture)
note the untitled device opened with MAX changes its style from dark to grey.
device still opened, if I close the M4L console it's the MAX console that disappears in the task manager
or if I close the M4L device : the M4L console doesn't close
if I close the MAX console : the m4L device and both consoles are closed
The only way I manage to have the m4L device opened in the Live version of max and my external patch in Max standalone is to open Live first, open a m4L device for editing and then open my expternal patch...
I am really disappointing..
I here is the 1st capture that doesn"'t want to be upload in the last message...
I am really disappointed..
After a clear desinstall of both Max and Live and a windows reset.
I reinstall Live again ,and then Max.
Same problem.. =(
I just cannot work at all. I really don't understand.
When I first have this new w11pro pc few days ago everything was working perfectly at the begginig.
I don't know what happen.
Impossible to have my midi input/output ports in max standalone if Live/m4L is opened...
Never had this issue.
well I would NOT use any beta versions as first.
then, can you check what is set as Max editor in Live preferences ?
As last rescue one could hack max standalone to have different
version and indentifier.
What I also don't know if both Max instances share same preferences,
recent files etc etc.
Windows assignes certain types of file to certain apps ..
very confusing in this relation.
Thank you to look at my problem.
...On this new computer only the beta 12.1.10b2 was installed.
Installing Live 12.1.5 makes everything back to normal in both versions.
Now every thing works as usual in the beta too.
I didn't know that the beta need to have the "not beta version" installed to work properly...
Thank you so much !
It's pretty messy on Windows.
The standalone and bundled versions can run side by side, even with the same version number. They are different applications where, in this case, one is also limited in functionality. However, it's not without issues. I can repplicate every @schlam mentioned.
If you pin the standalone/full version to the taskbar, you can see when the bundled version is opened, as an additional icon will appear. If you right-click in the task manager and choose Properties, you can see the application's full path of the application, which tells you which of the two is running. In the Details tab of task manager, you can select this as an extra column. This lets you quickly see which applications are running and when they are stopped.
I also see the theme/colors changing when I open Max for Live. It takes over the colors from the already opened Max app. The standalone Max gets the Live colors, and the opened bundled version gets the colors used by the standalone.
Settings are shared between the two applications since they are both Max 8. It's also annoying that the windows of both applications overlap precisely with each other.
Max for Live devices are opened in the standalone version instead of the bundled version if the standalone was already opened before you edit a Max for Live device. Strangely enough, the bundled version's console is also opened.
The changing of colors and overlapping windows make it hard to see which application has opened the patches, but you can see it when you hover over the icons in the taskbar.
When all the windows of the standalone are closed, the application appears as closed in the taskbar, but the task manager shows the process is still running. When I close the console of the bundled version, its process is immediately stopped. Only when I close Live is the standalone stopped.
If you open the bundled version, the MIDI setup of the bundled version is used. MIDI devices can only be used by one single application at a time. The bundled version only has access to devices recognized by Live, which means no external MIDI devices are available.
After revisiting the MIDI Settings while Live and its bundled Max were open, I also encountered the standalone crashing.
I don't know if the issues above are issues in Max or limitations/issues of Windows 11. I'm glad I switched to macOS.
I recommend sticking with Live's bundled version or the standalone version within Live. This way, you only run one Max application limited to what Live and Max for Live offers.
Hello Rivanni.
You said you managed to reproduce the issues I was talking about. But on your system both Live "official" and beta was allready installed ?
My problems occors on this PC because only the beta was installed. Installing Live 12.1.5 solves everything. I cannot reproduce anymore since both versions are installed.
So it feels strange to me that you menage to reproduce if for you too both versions was installed...
I can replicate everything in release version 12.1.5 of Live, except for the crash, which was incidental. It's unsurprising since the Max version in Live 12.1.5 and 12.1.10b2 is precisely the same as the standalone version. All three are version 8.6.5 (795b32eda25).
It's unexpected that you no longer have any issues after installing version 12.1.5.