moving camera with tripod 1

fraction's icon


Right now, I’m moving the camera using tripod 1 and locklook 1 with anim_move $1 0 0, similar to how you would move with However, sending only this value tends to increment the Z-axis as well.

If you observe the output of a when pressing “a” or “d”, it doesn’t just output 1 0 0 or -1 0 0—there’s also a slight adjustment on the Z-axis to compensate for the perspective shift. This means that using inherently maintains the correct distance from the origin (0 0 0)

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what do i have to compute to use the message anim_move directly ? sending anime_move $1 0 0 is not enough to reproduce that behavior, am i correct?


Rob Ramirez's icon

sorry not clear what you're asking. the last arg of the anim_move message coming from is a scaling factor based on the speed attribute and the time delta between frames.

pseudostereo's icon

This isn't exactly the same question, but I've always found the 'locklook' attribute's behavior kind of mysterious. The docs say it "forces the camera to remain pointed at the lookat value", If that were true, then moving the camera along the x axis should affect only the x position and the y rotation, which is what happens when you manually send the camera a position x message (with locklook 1). But when you press the a (or d) key, sending the message 'move -1 0 0' to the camera (via the, it changes both the x and the z positions, and it feels like you're rotating the camera around the origin at a fixed distance (although the distance actually increases gradually). Strange.

fraction's icon

no no this is actually 100% related.