nurbs @matrixoutput 2 to mesh inside mxj.

sakerdon's icon

I'm trying to pass matrix from nurbs with @matrixoutput 2 to mesh inside mxj.
Is it possible?
What method should I use?
Can not find any reference in documentation for JitterObject Class


Rob Ramirez's icon

you have to use a JitterListener object and attach to the nurbs, listening for the "matrixoutput" event. search the file browser for for an example in JS (technique should be the same in Java).

sakerdon's icon

Finally I got the matrix from nurbs to mesh. Thanks! (may be matrixoutput example can be also included in mxj examples?)
now trying to catch only vertex planes for mesh, because mesh color matrix should be controlled separately.
but when I set jit.pack offset 0 and jump 3 in mxj, jit_pack.matrixcalc posts: 1297306704 calling matrixcalc on jit_pack
it seems rather obvious task, but any clue will be appreciated.

sakerdon's icon

well, I played with different matrixes and jit.pack did it's job