open tutorial patches

Peter Buhr's icon

How can I open the tutorial patches?
In the tutorial 1 hello I read this:
To open the tutorial patch, click on the green Open Tutorial button in the upper right-hand corner of the documentation window.
I don't see a open tutorial button (with Google Chrome Browser). Which documentation window is meant? How can I open it?

Where is the button?

deligut's icon

You need to open that page within Max, not in your Browser. Open Max and Ctrl+Shift+R.
And here is the button:

Peter Buhr's icon

Aah! ok, I found it now, thank you!
It would be nice to give a little hint in the text about this, like "... click on the green Open Tutorial button in the upper right-hand corner of the reference window in Max".

Katrina Italiano's icon

In my demo there is a "TRIAL - x DAYS REMAINING" button where that button should be. How am I supposed to open tutorials if the button isn't there?