OpenGL - Shapes won't render in 'draw_mode points'
I've been working on an audio-responsive VJ patch that modulates the shapes/colors of various objects.
At home, everything works as expected, but now that I've tried to run the patch on the work/show computer, I'm getting some strange behavior.
More specifically, if I try to use 'draw_mode points' or any 'poly_mode' combination that uses points, the shapes simply aren't rendering.
The work computer is a Sager laptop:
Windows 8 64-bit
Intel i7-4900MQ CPU @2.8GHz
The graphics card drivers are up to date.
It's running the latest Max 6 demo.
I've noticed the OpenGL Status in Max is reporting that the Renderer is the "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600". Could this have something to do with it? Can I manually change the renderer to the GTX 780M?
The bottom picture shows what the output looks like at home.
The middle is what it looks like on the work laptop.
And then the first one is on the work laptop, but using poly_mode 1 1 - lines and filled work fine. Just no points.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.