Overlay one videoplane on another

Elementi's icon


3月 29 2011 | 3:35 午後

Hi there I apologize for this noob question. I need to overlay one videoplane of an image (the foreground) (or looping video if thats easier) on top of another videoplane that is using a jit.noise matrix (background). My question is how do i go about doing this because when i look at what jit.gl.videoplane inputs its for messages only and not matrices.

cap10subtext's icon


3月 29 2011 | 4:43 午後

The order of operations matters. Try turning each videoplane to automatic 0, and send the one you want in the background a bang first, followed by a bang to the one in the foreground.

Please post a patch using "Select All" and "Copy Compressed" if you require more help, makes it easier for people to see what you are trying to accomplish.

Elementi's icon


3月 29 2011 | 5:09 午後

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Hi ,
its (what i hope) is a simple patch in the very beginning stages so far. What i need to know is how to add something to the video planes (a video file from the hard drive and noise matrix specifically.)

cap10subtext's icon


3月 30 2011 | 1:03 午前

"look at what jit.gl.videoplane inputs its for messages only and not matrices."

Not so, if you connect the jit.noise directly to the jit.videoplane it will send a matrix to the video plane. If you connect a jit.qt.movie to the videoplane you can play a video.

You do have to send a bang to the jit.noise or movie objects after the erase and before the final bang to the renderer.

Add the layer attribute to jit.gl.videoplane to dictate which order you want the videoplanes to show up, higher number is closer to the screen.

cap10subtext's icon


3月 30 2011 | 1:04 午前

You can ignore my original comment about the @automatic attribute if you use @layer instead.

RichardKnott's icon


3月 30 2011 | 3:56 午後

Is it possible to have the output of a jit.gl.isosurf object, and a separate output of jit.gl.mesh contained within one jit.gl.render window?
i.e. I have a visualisation from mesh, and a visualisation from isosurf, and wish to somehow layer them together, but without one affecting the other.
Hope you can help. Thanks.

Julien Bayle's icon

Julien Bayle

3月 30 2011 | 7:00 午後

interested too.

cap10subtext's icon


3月 30 2011 | 7:33 午後

Patch? @layer doesn't work for you?

(BTW, technically you guys should start a new thread on this...)

Julien Bayle's icon

Julien Bayle

3月 30 2011 | 7:39 午後

@layer just works... fine :) (I hijacked the thread or not?!)

RichardKnott's icon


3月 30 2011 | 9:58 午後

Ok, going to start a new thread! :)

chapelier fou's icon

chapelier fou

7月 17 2024 | 8:17 午後

I'm having a stupid problem. (I'm relatively new to jitter)

What I want to do is to print text on top of a movie, and display the result on jit.world.

The goal is to live score a movie. I want 2 versions of the movie displayed at the same time :

  • one for the audience (just the movie)

  • the other for live musicians (the movie + countdowns at specific tempi)

Thanks for helping !

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Wil's icon


7月 18 2024 | 1:49 午前

patch 1 plays movie with text overlay

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

patch 2 plays same movie (from patch 1) without text

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

you don't specify how you planning to project to musicians/audience

chapelier fou's icon

chapelier fou

7月 18 2024 | 12:53 午後

Thanks a lot.

I think I never knew what jit.gl.videoplane was about, I missed that step, and also the "layer" that must be important to display a viedo "on top" on another one.

Rob Ramirez's icon

Rob Ramirez

7月 18 2024 | 2:45 午後

without looking at the above patches, I do want to emphasize that layer is not enough when used with jit.gl.videoplane. You must also disable depth (@depth_enable 0) and enabled blending if working with transparency (@blend_enable 1). This is why the jit.gl.layer object was created, basically a videoplane with those settings.

chapelier fou's icon

chapelier fou

8月 13 2024 | 8:52 午前

Here I come with another basic question.

On top of the video, I want to display a "progress bar".

How would I print this matrix on top of a texture video ?

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Wil's icon


8月 13 2024 | 10:37 午前

use jit.gl.node

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

chapelier fou's icon

chapelier fou

8月 13 2024 | 4:50 午後

Thanks WIL,

it's quite difficult to understand from my point of view, I really lack some basic understanding of layers, "capture concept", and why jit.gl.node is needed.

It's working, but I have difficulties to adapt it in my main patch.

Wil's icon


8月 14 2024 | 9:29 午前

Ok. Maybe for now you do not need jit.gl.node

instead, your main video is a jit.gl.videoplane @layer 0

your progress bar is jit.gl.layer @blend_enable 0 @layer 1

if you have ONE jit.gl.videoplane @layer 0 (base layer), you can add many jit.gl.layer on top of that

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

jit.gl.node allows you capture many different video sources, erase the background of different layers when you put them on top, and treat multiple layers as one layer for adding effects and sizing etc... - you don't need that right now

chapelier fou's icon

chapelier fou

8月 14 2024 | 1:29 午後

Thanks a lot !