Phase disperser CPU efficiency in gen~

DO's icon


7月 03 2024 | 11:05 午前

Total noob at filter design here, but I wanted to take a crack at building a phase disperser using allpass filters. This design is based on a YouTube video where the creator used Ableton's Phaser-Flanger stock device to do the same thing, and I just really liked the sound it had. I tried other methods of dispersion in Max but couldn't get that sound until I pulled up the gen~ biquad example and chained them together. This gets very close to the sound in the Ableton method.

The downside is that it's currently eating up over 60% of my CPU, which is a no-go for running this effect inside some of my other intensive patches (and it's not even as deep as Ableton's, which can run up to 42 stages, whereas this is only at 16 currently). Just coming here to ask if there's anything I can do to make this effect less costly, or if there's another way I might build it which gives the same sound.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

lucas's icon


7月 03 2024 | 1:26 午後

i opened your patch on my laptop and it only costed 1 or 2%

Graham Wakefield's icon

Graham Wakefield

7月 03 2024 | 3:17 午後

Same here -- 1%

DO's icon


7月 03 2024 | 3:21 午後

I opened it again to check, flipping vector sizes around first (but reverting them) and now it’s right around 2%. Strange stuff. Though there is a not-insignificant chance I had a more intense patcher running in the background when I was looking before….

Stevon's icon


7月 03 2024 | 10:43 午後

Couldn't replicate your cpu issue

maybe you wanna have a look at this if you want a working Disperser Clone
