poly~ Output
I am trying to create a number of Patchers that do things like modules on a synth to be able to use poly~ to create a virtual modular setup of sorts. The problem is that I have followed tutorials and I cannot seem to get the output of my first patcher to show up when I instantiate it in another patcher. I'd wager there's something very simple here I'm missing, but I'm missing it. I get all my inputs to populate, but no output. Attached is a screenshot of the patcher for reference.
you are multiplying all signals with zero. what do you expect from that other than silence?
First of all, I'm not multiplying everything by zero. You'll notice each is connected to an inlet and the idea is these receive a toggle, which outputs a 1 when enabled. This is modeled after the way a Juno 60 voice functions. All the multiplying is controlled from outside the patcher through those inlets. Second, whatever sound ends up coming from this thing is not relevant to the existence of an outlet in poly. I could have no sound source whatsoever, but with a properly configured outlet I should still have an outlet. I'm not asking why I don't hear sound - I can hear sound when I create those conditions within the patcher - what I'm asking is why I don't get an outlet from poly. Apples and oranges.
poly~ doesn't use [inlet/outlet] - only [in, in~, out, out~]
well, if it is modelled after the juno 60 schematics it cannot be wrong.
OK, here's what I've got going on. Hopefully this clarifies things. Notice that in the left hand patcher window, there appears to be no outlet. Thoughts? What am I doing wrong here?
i don´t see anything wrong.
the only thing which would make sense is that you might have a patch or external called "out~" in your install.
can you replicated the issue? what happens when you create a new version of the patcher?
If you have added the outlet after having created creating it , the poly~ object might no longer be synchronized with the content of the corresponding patch . You may have to re-instantiate it, by rewriting the patch name, for instance.
This looks really very unusual :-)
Unfortunately, I don't believe that's the explanation. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're suggesting. This was made and saved and later instantiated without being altered. I have tried to load it many times and it has never given me an outlet. Is it possible something with the patch name and the numerals is throwing things? I'm really grasping at straws here, but I'm so confused as to why this isn't working.
Compress your FOLDER with both the main patch and poly sub patch
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it can easily happen that one gets confused when mixing inlet types (which is legit with poly) or having unused numbers in between (which is also legit in poly), but when i look at this patch i have no explanation why the [out~ 1] would not show up.
you are also not loading a wrong patch with the same name, as your second screenshot proves.
what about... having something called "out~" in your search path?
Screenshot says Untitled 4 (unlocked)
poly~ fails most of the time (got lucky once) if main patch is NOT saved to the same location as the poly sub
The patch at the top fails
Patch at the bottom succeeds
but his inlets do work.
yeah! said the poltergeist.
Gotcha. Ok thanks lots to try. Last night I just created a simple patch that was just an in and an out and then loaded it into poly~ and it worked, so what I'm thinking I'll try next is to rebuild this in stages and test at each point to see if I can determine where exactly it's breaking. Is there a debug built into max? Sorry that's probably a dumb question
ok good. there is a (very small) chance that your patch patch file is corrupt at one point (or we are all too stupid to see what is wrong) ... in either case you will find it out if you restart step by step. ;)
OK, so I've worked out where the problem is. Just not sure how to fix it. It seems it is the out~ object. out gives me an outlet, but as soon as the tilde is added, the outlet disappears. Same behavior with mc.out~. Is there a way to reinstall these objects? Or is there some other setting I may have wrong that would be blocking audio output? Everything about the configuration works fine, unless that tilde is in there...
So I recently had a problem where I ‘broke’ a max abstraction that came with the program
I just downloaded the same version of Max and threw out the older one
Everything fixed
or update preferences
That will erase all of your custom settings though (mostly colors)
Also - have you tied naming poly sub patch something else . NOT Juno60….?
Here’s why. I made a coll and temporarily named the text file “toggle”
The next time I restart Max all my toggles throughout the entire program failed and said this object does not exist
You might have saved a Juno60 somewhere with a problem that Max keeps referencing
Anyway - 3 possibles
OK I trashed my preferences. That didn't do it. I did a full reinstall. Still having the same problem. Here is the patch. Would one of you kindly see if this plays nice on your machine? Alternatively, can anyone share a known working patch that I can test on mine?
what about... having something called "out~" in your search path?
How would I go about doing this?
so guys. we are now looking for someone who can explain this:
works ok on my machine
simple working inlets/outlets